OK - so it's time I out myself as a nerd. The core of which is centered on being a Star Wars fan for life. I was selected to give my 8th grade graduation speech and based the whole thing on SW. My apartment is littered w/ SW posters/paraphernalia. Many other nerdy things exist in my life. I'm also a professional musician, which can be considered nerdy. HOWEVER, the point of this post is that I'm currently planning a D&D game. This is game 3 of a 10 game series and I've been having a hard time moving from theoretical ideas to concrete plans for the game (Yes...I am DM). Currently, Some GL Pease Meridian is helping, and I'll be moving to GL pease Jack Knife before i hit the sack. I almost exclusively smoke GLP blends. I also own an opened C&D Barister and a Sutliff Blend No. 5. Both of which sit in my tobacco cabinet and I look at thinking "I could smoke you...but i enjoy my GLP so much more..."
ANYWAY - thought it'd be interesting to see if anyone else was a D&D player. Game 3 is this Saturday and I'm way far behind schedule in planning as opposed to what I'd like, but I'm trying to get a haunted mansion feel for this one and it's been difficult. Furthermore I wanted to talk about the blends I'm smoking w/out entering the "What Are You Smoking" thread where people w/ clearly more money or at least more of a collection then I expect to have w/in the next few years reside and make me feel small. So....GLP fans out there? D&D fans out there?
ANYWAY - thought it'd be interesting to see if anyone else was a D&D player. Game 3 is this Saturday and I'm way far behind schedule in planning as opposed to what I'd like, but I'm trying to get a haunted mansion feel for this one and it's been difficult. Furthermore I wanted to talk about the blends I'm smoking w/out entering the "What Are You Smoking" thread where people w/ clearly more money or at least more of a collection then I expect to have w/in the next few years reside and make me feel small. So....GLP fans out there? D&D fans out there?