I also tend to think that you are overthinking things - I'd smoke it and see.myself.
judcole Lifer Sep 14, 2011 7,531 40,539 Detroit Mar 30, 2017 #21 I also tend to think that you are overthinking things - I'd smoke it and see.myself.
ashdigger Lifer Jul 30, 2016 11,391 70,257 61 Vegas Baby!!! Mar 30, 2017 #22 Okay, I'll throw my hat in the ring. Sell it to me. Decision made. Easy peasy.
pitchfork Lifer May 25, 2012 4,030 611 Mar 30, 2017 #23 Those walls look nice and thick to me. Possibly it's slightly over-reamed, but no structural worries as far as I can see.
Those walls look nice and thick to me. Possibly it's slightly over-reamed, but no structural worries as far as I can see.
G graydawn Starting to Get Obsessed Feb 7, 2014 164 1 Mar 31, 2017 #24 Once you smoke it all questions will be answered. Take the plunge.