A number of pipe brands have in their history the transition from one location to another, or from one featured carver or carvers to others, or from one particular era of manufacture to another. Open your mind and bit and consider, why do sentiments and especially estate prices invariably favor what came before? I know there are some examples where these "transitions" of one kind or another actually improved the product, but it is far easier to identify the many instances where, rightly or wrongly, the earlier product is deemed far more desirable, and more expensive. Are we stuck in some kind of mindset that longs for the past, no matter what the actual pipes might tell us? Isn't the perpetual golden age -- which always means the past, and often quite a while ago -- a little suspicious? Some of the pipes I've bought new in the past, say, six years are pretty good. I won't overplay how good they are, but I'm not sure pipes thirty or sixty years old are inevitably superior. What do you think?