Pipeman, the funny thing is, those chemicals are listed as natural flavors. Natural being the key word. If they are isolates from macerated material of any kind or from sourced maple syrup, then they live up to the real thing in being "natural". The problem is that the food and drug world played fast and loose with the naming conventions years ago and as long as they create a chemical in the lab that seems to be the same chemical that has been isolated and found "naturally" in the real thing, they can call it "natural"....if you followed all of that bullshit.
As for the Lakelands...who knows what they do. Maybe they use the real isolates of what ever flavoring they are targeting for a blend with a alcohol carrier that is then evaporated off as has been suggested by others up the thread. Who knows?!
In any case, for me, this is just an exercise of boredom. I would like more maple flavoring if I am going to burn an aromatic without the steam and typical PG/wet tobacco syndrome. So I thought I would go the route of trying real maple syrup powder from a reliable organic source reconstituted in a good quality alcohol (probably a rum or bourbon because to me those seem to match up better with maple) with some blending Virginia, a little burley, a little latakia, and some cavendish. The ratios I am not sure about. The suggestion of adding in some latakia to something like Autumn Evening is also being tried out today. But I still want to try out making an aromatic without the gloop similar to the Wilke tobacco. For all I know, they use PG, but I will not be going that route.