Something about this story stank as much as Chipotle's food. When the redolent smell of bullshit wafts past my nostrils I do some research. I went online to the Chipotle in Toluca Lake, down the block from Warner Brothers Studio, a few blocks from Toluca Lake, an area where the bulk of the homes run from about $5,000,000 to $10,000,000, in other words, one of the poorer sections of LA. It's where Bob Hope lived.
The menu price for a double steak bow as of April 2024, was $16.50, not $39. Anyone paying $39 for anything Chipotle makes is clearly a drooling idiot, like the people who wrote this article.
As for the Nevada boy who commented, I hope that he doesn't gamble in the Casinos, as he's clearly arithmetically challenged.
Let's take a bit of a reality check. I realize that this isn't the normal mode for a lot of people, but let's try.
The cost of the "$39" double steak bowl is supposed to be the result of a $5 basic wage increase per worker. Let's say that there are a total of 10 people on the crew that preps and serves Chipotle's "food". That's an increase of $50 dollars per hour in wages, or $400 per shift. Let's make a worst case scenario of $800 a day. On average a Chipotle outlet serves between 6,000 and 10,000 orders a day, according to numbers given by a number of Chipotle store managers. So let's divide 8000 into 800 to get an average increase in cost. Comes out to about 10¢ per order on average.
There are a lot of factors that can figure into increased costs, the increased cost of ingredients, increased shipping, increased wastage, increased rent, licensing, insurance, etc, and let's not forget corporate gouging. The extra $5 per hours isn't breaking anybody's bank.
So, I'm calling double bullshit on this redolent article.