Other than cruising TobaccoReviews for some general ideas, which I do anyway, does anyone have any good suggestions for a TAD order from Pipeworks? I'm not big into aromatics and that seems to be their stock in trade. So why am I ordering, then? I dunno. I feel obligated since everyone says Carol's stuff is of such high quality, I can't just let it go untried, can I?
Obviously I'll go for some of their signature 191 aromatic but likely skip the Maple (already have H&H Meat Candy and don't love it) and the Wilke Rumcake (already have Milan's Sunset Rum, which is probably one of the best aromatics I've tasted). What beyond that?
Obviously I'll go for some of their signature 191 aromatic but likely skip the Maple (already have H&H Meat Candy and don't love it) and the Wilke Rumcake (already have Milan's Sunset Rum, which is probably one of the best aromatics I've tasted). What beyond that?