I listened to the podcast of last week's radio show (faithful as always) on my commute home last night. I have to admit, that I was listening closely for the Molto Dolce ad given the comments here over the last couple days.
So, listen, we all have our own internal gauge for what is and isn't "appropriate" with regards to language and inference. To put it as Bob did, "YMMV." This is too true. I'm not going to judge one creative team's and one client's decision about "appropriate" creative. That's up to each of us as consumers.
From a marketer's perspective, what is important is that the message and media work to create recognition & awareness, purchase intent, and ultimately sales (hopefully of the repeat variety). Let's assess whether this ad hit those marks:
1) I read about, thought about and considered Molto Dolce more since last Thursday than I have ... ever.
2) After hearing the ad, and reading the comments here I sought out some reviews of Molto Dolce.
... So far so good, the ad is hitting on awareness.
3) I am not an aromatic smoker, and the mix of flavours/aromas described in the ad and in subsequent reviews aren't to my taste. So my purchase intent hasn't increased; though this has more to do with product than it does with advertising.
4) I won't be buying Molto Dolce.
As a critical listener of commercials, I have to say that this ad failed to captivate me. I did find it puerile and overly long... there was a point half-way through the ad where my mind wandered and when I came back to focus on the radio show I thought, "Holy moley! Is this ad still going on?" This was followed in thought shortly by, "Ok, I get it. Move on." When we work on creative for radio we're typically looking to fill 15 second or 30 second spots. In a world based on sound bytes and traffic tags, nearly 3 minutes is an eternity; even in 10mph traffic jams.
Not all ads are great, or even good, any marketer knows that they will miss the mark on occasion. Ultimately the client and the creative team will make the call on the lifespan of an ad.
Kudos to the team behind this ad for taking a risk. It will be interesting to see what the life-span of this ad is.
-- Pat