Oh Almalgam, extract your head out of that patient's mouth for a moment (or was it .... no, I won't say that, I'll get into twubble) and behave, 'ol mate 'o mine. Sometimes things are not as they appear and this is one of those times. Gawd al-bloody-mighty, I just went to grab my cigar like a pipe and being that it's 90 degrees in the shade, in my current state of dress (nil) that would've been bloody catastrophhic.
Now, as I was saying, things are not as they appear, yes, the natives have been restless, but the wheat has been sorted from the chaff so to speak, people now have a much clearer view of things and those who were coming down hard have, I believe, learnt to back off lest it lead to ostrasization & ridicule as many demonstrated recently so it's all going to be alright, Aunty Di promises - we have too much to learn to spit the dummy!!! Now edit that dang post before I slap yer little chicken legs, go have a Bex and a laydown AFTER you've changed that line about one of nature's TRUE GENTLEMEN (Lawrence) - you got that ALL WRONG!!!