I got one that was certainly thin enough to insert into the bowl for a re-light, but the switch turned out to be too close to the business end for one to do that. it was supposedly good for 300 lights on a single charge, which can be done through a USB cable. It didn't take very long to charge its tiny battery that first time.
These are flameless units, thus the windproofing (I'd hate to see the wind velocity it took to blow it out!). The heat comes from one or more electric arcs across the business end (Remember carbon-arc lamps?). It's quite hot, but at least the heat is not being projected from the end like with a torch lighter.
I figure that if one can find a unit with at least a narrow 3/4" long snout, and the ON button is far back, it might be usable for a piper. Only problem I can foresee if that works, is one might have to remove the ashes before relighting, if the non-projecting arcs can't penetrate the protective layer of tamped ash above the remaining tobacco.