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Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
Man, I really did stir the pot with my post yesterday where I talked about expenses, asked if the site should charge a subscription fee, and complained about ad blockers.
I got a little more than I bargained for with that one.
Mostly, I was just offended about ad blockers being used on THIS site.
I closed the other thread because it was getting very long with some long individual posts and it became obvious with all that text that a lot of people weren't reading everything, and therefore weren't correctly comprehending the situation.
Here is the most important thing you need to know:
PipesMagazine.com is profitable and will be here for a very long time.
Everything is fine and we are way ahead of plan.
I love what I do and I wouldn't trade it for any job in the world.
We will NEVER charge a subscription fee for this site.

It never has been part of our business plan and never will be.
Which leads me to ...
This site is a business, not a little hobby of mine.

It is easy to forget, or not realize that PipesMagazine.com is a professional, commercial endeavor.
It was always intended as such from the moment it was conceived.
Our business model is to offer extraordinary, unique, exclusive content for a highly targeted, narrowly defined market niche which will build a large audience that is valuable to advertisers seeking to reach this interest group.
We are sticking with this business model and are not interested in deviating from it or supplementing it with other avenues at this point in time.
We have considered and decided against -
- having an e-comm store

- having an auction section

- selling logo merchandise

- pipe of the year

- renting out pipe babes

- taking donations (real legitimate businesses don't ask for donations)
Thank you to everyone for all their input, suggestions, and concerns.
You have nothing to be concerned about. This site isn't going away and it is doing fine.
Thanks to the people that said they would be willing to pay a subscription, but you don't have to.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 23, 2010
"- renting out pipe babes
Don't be so hasty....lets leave this item on the table for now.



Oct 2, 2010
Thanks, Kevin, for the clarification.....but are you firm on the Pipe Babe issue?.... :laughat:



Mar 21, 2010
Thanks for the clarification and the mission statement. The original

thread struck a chord for many and produced a variety of responses.

Again, diversity of opinion and ideas is a great way to maintain a

viable and growth oriented group. You never really know how far the

ripples in the pond go.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 27, 2010
Aw Shucks! Here I was saving up my pipe money to reant a Pipe Babe :(



Jul 13, 2010
Thanks for the clearing up of things. Indeed you did seem to stir things up slightly. I too would have been hopeful of something on the Pipe Babe front to add to your profit margin somewhat.



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
Ok, I'll re-consider on the pipe babes, but only for really special occasions.
Seriously, I have thought about the possibility of taking a table at some pipe shows and having "booth babes", but I just don't see it going over on the pipe side like it would on the cigar side.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 15, 2010
Seriously, I have thought about the possibility of taking a table at some pipe shows and having "booth babes", but I just don't see it going over on the pipe side like it would on the cigar side.
Back in the 80's another shop and I put on a local pipe show. I had a friend's cute daughter helping me at my table. When she told guys she thought they looked good with a particular pipe sales zoomed!



Jul 30, 2010
Norman, Oklahoma
Okay Kevin might not be up for it, but I will rent out my Pipe Babe! :D .... (Now she is staring at me and trying to cause me pain with her eyes, so just kidding?)
This really clears things up and lays down the mission statement! Thanks Kevin!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 28, 2010
Well, like reddit.com and seeing as how I like this website and support it - I have forced AdBlock to exclude this domain from blocking ads. :)

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