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Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Yeah, none of that was against you. P&C had some big issues in the past several months that annoyed a lot of people, but it seems to be a non issue now. P&C ranks up there with SPC for me now.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
A port driven error. The more I imbibe, the larger my finger tips get. Still a typing error not a total disregard for ... Rule 9? Well, maybe the underlined part regarding proofreading a post.
In the banya tomorrow I will flagellate myself roundly and soundly with boughs of spruce.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Just yankin' your chain brother. Alcohol tends to cause some finger swelling here too. :mrgreen:



Oct 10, 2013
Boughs, Bowels, Bowls...The connections are slowly being revealed.
On a less conspiratorial note, what is your favorite port? And don't say "Seattle".



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
"Graham's 20 year old" here also.
Subic was always a favorite of mine. Lot of interesting social activity going on, all the time, 24/7. A short drive from Clark and ... party time! Then later, a shot and in a week or two, good to go again.



Apr 26, 2013
I answered the OP first before addressing my concerns with people continually ranting about P&C.
There are numerous open threads where people can re-hash the now months old complaints regarding this site. For there to be so. many. new. posts, usually by noobs such as yourself, again speaks to the possibility of a concerted effort by social media to trash P&C.
If you are really offended by my post, which was aiming at a very small group of (until now) unidentified pipe smokers (thanks for hopping on that wagon willingly)who just can't help trashing a site over and over, then you must be feeling guilty for something...?
To address the rest of your post, are you 50/50 lifetime or since the issues have been addressed? So like in the last 6 months or so? Qualify your answer. You are trashing a site sponsor.
As I stated, just because there seems a concentrated effort to carry on with negative social media, that doesn't mean that the issues that initiated the complaint posts haven't been dealt with. Do you have some dates on some of those complaints? You should. You are trashing a site sponsor.
How has P&C been lately with customer service? I hear mostly about system errors, or just the mass issue with the system crash from months ago. How is it now? I have never had a problem with their customer service ever. Do you have recent experiences with bad P&C customer service? Because you should have those handy, since you are trashing a site sponsor.
Have a great suggestion for somewhere else to shop? Awesome. Just remember, using limited or flawed logic to talk up one company and trash P&C needs good evidence. Why? You are trashing a site sponsor.



Staff member
May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
An occasional spelling mistake falls outside of grammatical gaffes. Especially at night, or when one is seeking a good port in a storm. Or safely inside by the fire.



Aug 20, 2013
Complaining about the number of complaints about P&C is, hopefully, the start of a new trend, as they so regularly get bashed. I've done it but I try not to do it again.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
I don't know where you get your pipe and tobacco information but I get mine from 'facebook', when hell freezes.
no political intent, implied, or accidentally expressed, will be acknowledged, in keeping with one of the rules of this forum, and it ain't #9.



Jun 27, 2017

I really got you riled up didnt I! So let me see...I get the sense you think im trashing a site sponsor..is that right? hah! Now it suddenly clicked for me, THATS why guys defend P and C SO staunchly; because they pay money to the site. Ahhhhhh I should have caught that. It makes complete sense now. The almighty dollar, thanks for clearing that up. Although...SP is also a site sponsor, so maybe you have a vested interest in P & C? The fact that you have gone so far as to have an actual "canned response" to Pipes and Cigars threads make one wonder. You came to the defense of P and C before anyone even really said anything bad about them here! And I havent even really attacked them. Wow.
And its ok, trust me man, I literally cannot be offended by anyone on the internet, keyboard warriors, or guys that amass thousands of posts like its a badge of honor. No worries!
Just because I have been a member here for 6 months doesnt mean ive only been smoking a pipe for 6 months...does it? Wait does that mean im trashing a site sponsor? Been enjoying the pipe "culture" for years. You want me to post dates of my transactions with Pipe and Cigars?!? That had to be in jest because thats just silly. ** Here let me post up dates of issues and complaints Ive had guys** Cmon man get real. One doesnt need "good evidence" to share an opinion, good or bad about a vendor.
Were all just expressing opinions here and its fascinating too see some guys get SO riled up over guys chatting about a hobby.

Especially one as zen as pipe smoking. Expressing an opinion is in no way trashing a sponsor and if youll read my post, you will see I wrote that im indifferent and actually complemented them in another post in this thread. Deep breath...



Jun 27, 2017
An occasional spelling mistake falls outside of grammatical gaffes. Especially at night, or when one is seeking a good port in a storm
So true and How about when a guy is seeking a GLASS of port DURING a storm? :)



Jun 27, 2017
Uh oh. Hes been a member since 2016...

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