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Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
Funny timing for this post! I have always hated the way bulldogs look........and still do. Never owned one, likely never will unless its an irresistibly priced resto flip. However, I never like the look of Oom Paul shapes either, but recently (in the last week or so) I have been more drawn to them and have been tempted by a few.
I also can't stand any nosewarmer shapes. Briarworks whole moonshine line for example, I find terribly ugly and impractical. Most of the time if a pipe is under 5 inches I don't even look, unless it has a full bend.



Unrepentant Philomath
Oct 16, 2011
A ten foot Pole? No need to bring nationalities into this.

Maybe I’ve misread that.
The horn shape. I’ve never seen one that was even remotely appealing to me.
I used to hate panels as well until I found one at an antique store and restored it into a fine smoker. Still don’t like the shape much.

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Mar 13, 2018
SC Piedmont
Just from straights to bents. In my younger days I thought bents looked weird and that just odd people and old guys smoked them. Now I find them quite practical, even preferred, at times. (I didn't think Sherlock was odd; he was cool. But the depiction of him in the movies with a calabash seemed odd, and still does.)

Agreed, though as cosmopolitan as he was it probably shouldn't.

BTW, PLEASE forgive me if I'm telling you something you already know here; I hate it when my time gets wasted like that. There's a reason for the calabash connection. One of the early stage actors who portayed Holmes was William Gillette. He found it easier to speak his lines with a curved stem in his mouth than a straight one. People saw Gillette with prominent curved stem & made the connection with the calabash, & then it carried over to the movies, I guess either because no one ever questioned it, or because directors/viewers just thought the calabash was so odd as to perfectly fit the Holmes persona.

Bill, no calabash any more but bents out the kazoo....


Mar 13, 2018
SC Piedmont
Once upon a time I did not like rusticated pipes. Now 2 of my top 5 favorite pipes are rusticated.
I'm not a fan of bulldogs, like others here, but I have seen at least 1 that I did really like and wouldn't mind owning. If it's still where I saw it when I go on vacation in next month I think I'll grab it.
Still don't like panels though the one pictured above is nice.
And the one thing I still cringe at seeing is leaving the root pattern exposed on the rim of smooth pipe:

No. Just no. It looks like it's unfinished.

It's a Danish, & a Nording, goofball. -grin- They're SUPPOSED to look like that! God, man, plateau, plateau! :)



Mar 13, 2018
SC Piedmont
favorite smokers are my Savinelli 614's, Savinelli Bruna's .

Good man. Def concur on the 614s. Along with a full bent GBD I got from Al this week, that kind of jaw-hanger is my absolute favorite. Convenient, out of the way when clenching, & just in general compact & easy to deal with. I love my huge Danishes & Italians dearly, but for sheer convenience give me the 614 or brand equivalent!

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Part of the Furniture Now
May 8, 2018
I'd like to add anything too small. We see a lot of American makers going stubby. It feels shorting the wood for cost or cheating the grain. I always think of cutting a one pipe block in half and I prefer the arrogant way with which Italian pipes sneak a lot of wood into standard shapes.

I haven't the body type for snubs either. Even in my better years I was always cowboy skinny - pipes too short just never looked right. If I held weight better and maybe looked better with a beard, perhaps I'd have a frumpy nosewarmer on me at all times.

Also, yellow stems.


May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I don't care for nosewarmers, Canadians, Oom Paul's, Acorns, lots of free hands. I like my shapes on the conservative side, basic Dublins, Billiards, Apples, Lovats, Rhodesians, Bulldogs and Brandys.


Feb 13, 2013
I used to detest hawkbills, but now I see certain examples and think about making a purchase. Like some other posters I also used to hate paneled pipes, but I just bought an inexpensive Butz-Choquin paneled billiard that caught my eye. It also happens to be a smooth pipe which I generally don’t care for. Continued no-go zones for me: freehands, volcanos, nosewarmers, Oom Pauls


Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
An interesting thread. Lots of bulldog, oom paul, and nosewarmers mentioned. I'm not a fan myself. I also forgot to add blowfish to my list. Ugly little things, and so much amazing grain wasted on them from artisan makers....ugh. I also can't stand some of the forms of rustication out there. Especially Caminetto's smeggy dookpile rustications. So ugly.... Some of the ones (like older Sav Estellas) that look like melted snickers bars don't tickle my fancy either.


Nov 21, 2018
Atlanta, GA
I’ve never like Rhodesian/bulldog pipes. Ive always found them ugly. For some damn reason, I only like one very specific one all of a sudden. The Peterson Sandblasted Spigot 150. If it’s not both blasted and spigot, I still don’t like it. Can’t tell you why or how shrug


Dec 12, 2016
I have had a love/hate relationship with gourd Calabash pipes. I can't say I really like them, they are bulky, large and attract attention, but every so often I look at a few thinking of pulling the trigger. I probably will end up getting one when the right circumstances show up.
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