We gripe about the loss of B&Ms and complain when B&Ms try to adapt to survive.
The B&Ms are not here for us, they exist for the owners. We pesky customers are the way to riches and must be tended but, a handful of tobacco smokers in a 100 mile radius is not sufficient to support a retail store. Gotta keep the customer base as large as possible and growing as expenses are always rising. A dollar from a metal pipe smoker is every bit as good as a dollar from a tobacco pipe smoker or a Camel smoker.
Those of you who wish to keep a B&M, pipe and cigar exclusive, in your area need to start dropping a couple hundred dollars a day there, every business day. The last Tinder Box I was in, many (20?) years ago, had expanded to plaques, coats of arms, desk accessories, etc. to pay the bills. I believe it is gone now, South Center Mall south of Seattle.