I don't know about letting it set for a week with a pipe cleaner in it. As you've just used alcahol on it, which has loosened the tars and will dry out again with that cleaner in it. When you remove it, a lot of the fuzz and bristles might stick to the inside, as the tar has melted and dried with them pressed against the sides of the inside of the stem. I might let it set ofr a few hours or maybe even a day, but a week is really pushing it.
It's all like driving a manual transmission car. You have to learn to kee the whole process in balance, packing, your cadence, cleaning, the char, the light, etc... But, as in learning to drive a stick shift, in the beginning you have to focus on every little thing as you do it. Pretty soon, you'll be packing a bowl with one hand, and smoking without thinking about it. Stick with it. You're asking great questions.
As far as drool. I don't think I drool in my pipes. Maybe, just maybe the tinniest bit if I am looking down with my pipe clenched and I think of something yummy (LOL), but I've gotten to where I just remove the pipe temporarily if I have to tilt my head down anyways. It just feels wrong to tilt my head with a pipe regardless. Otherwise, I'd have to intentionally spit in the stem to get any drool in there. ...but, everyone's different.