Since to me most pipes smoke as well as any other,I cannot list objective details or describe subjective perceptions justifying why one pipe smokes better than another. But many think otherwise, and I would be beholding to them to write about one or both of their perceptions, because so armed I might learn what I have been missing and thus enhance my smoking experience. I admit that in this I am in the minority, but truly, the forums are littered with such unsubstantiated assertions.
I don't know what kind of pipes you smoke, so I will just give you my opinion based on my experiences.
Italian pipes like Castello and Savinelli and artisan pipes like Rad Davis and Brian Ruthenberg have shank dimensions of 4.0-4.5mm. Having an airway that size makes for a dryer smoke. When you have stems that are properly designed, you get no turbulence, no whistling, and no wet smoking pipes. When you have pipes that are drilled correctly, no wet smokers. There is a reason pipes like these are considered some of the best smoking pipes in the world. Stem design is really important to how well a pipe will smoke, that is not just my opinion but fact.
Properly cured briar is really important to a pipes performance. Cheap briar that is not cured properly will lead to a nasty tasting pipe. Many basket pipes use cheap briar, have bad internals and have poorly designed stems. If you have to use a bunch of pipe cleaners to soak up excess moisture while smoking then you are not going to get a very good smoking experience.
I am by no means and expert when it comes to pipes. I do know what a great smoking pipe is supposed to smoke like however as I have a bunch of them. I have had experience with pipes that did not smoke great so I do know the difference. I once bought a beautiful Ashton Dublin that was from the Bill Taylor era ( supposed to be the best Ashtons) and it smoked wet. Bad internals, simple as that. I have owned over a dozen Castello's over the years and everyone smoked fantastic. If they had vulcanite stems I would own a lot more, not a fan of acrylic anymore.
Here is a list of pipes I have experience with.
Mastro De Paja
Ser Jacobo
Don Carlos
Caminetto (radice/ascorti era)
Kurt Balleby
Peter Matzhold( had 3 wet smokers out of 3)
Reiner Barbi ( 1 wet smoker out of 4)
Rad Davis
Brian Ruthenberg
Bruce Weaver
Trever Talbot
Mike Butera
Jody Davis
Stephen Downie
Tonnie Nielsen
Abe Herbaugh
Steve Morrissete
Scott Thile
Ryan Alden
Zack Hamric
Upshall ( couple of wet smokers out of 8 or so pipes)
Pre Transition Barlings
Dunhill ( 1 hot smoker out of 3)
Lane Era Charatans ( couple of hot smokers out of 6 or so)
Ashton(wet smoker)
George Jenson piece of shit altogether hot and wet, only one I ever bought
Nording ( wet smoker only one I owned)
Peterson (had the p-lip and it smoked like shit.) never bought another.
SMS Meer ( lousy stem)
CAO Meer ( lousy stem)
I may be missing a couple but you can see I do have some experience with a number of different brands. Over the years I have owned around 7 Savinelli's and everyone smoked great. They were not expensive either,I had one lone estate Autograph that had the highest value but I got it for less than 100.00. I will always say Savinelli gives you a great smoking experience for a reasonable price, which is why I always recommend them to a new smoker.