Tremendously great thread Ed!
Your eye is incredible.
I'm sorta surprised to see so many Finnish artists, who knew?
Pekka Halonen – Hour Rest – 1905 = gloriously illuminated scene, and it really captures the feeling of "taking a load off" while hiking.
Adriaen Brouwer – man smoking a pipe = fat over lean for the win! A beautiful oil painting, so rich in reproduction that I'd absolutely love to see it in the flesh...the paints looks very dense, and it seems to glow.
"Piipunpolttoja" - what a great word, I love Suomi language and how they make wonderful compound words, google translate ain't good at Finn and sez "piipun polttoja" means "chimney arson" LOL
Yrjo Saarinen – Tanssit Hyvinkaalla - I like this one alot because the woman in yellow is an archtypal turn-on for me, she's got a rockin' voluptuous body! - and again, your eye, wow, you are an expert pipe spotter my friend!
Raimo Reinikainen – Piippumaisema – 1967 = I tend to enjoy work like this, it's got the perfect Hans Hoffman "push/pull" thing going on, and I absolutely love how the artist offset the painted pipe in negative with a real pipe, it's a great compostion and it works well I think.
Axel Torneman – self portrait with pipe – 1915 = I've always dug the Expressionist style, and I was unfamiliar with this important Swede, so thanks for the spotlight.
Kalervo Palsa – Lauri Kenttala – 1968 = wow, straightforward representational, but somehow psychedelic as well, carries some heavy emotional weight.
Kalervo Palsa – untitled – 1978= I like this because it's playful, the volcano is a pipe!
Vilho Lampi – self portrait 1929 = I like all the examples you found, but this dark one is just amazing. Love that elegant slender pipe too, and the smoke looks great.
Vilho Lampi – Pokkasakki – 1929 = reminds me totally of depression-era USA, I guess it was a worldwide thing? What grabs me most about this one is how the pipe seems to jump off the page, it seems like the focal point, or is that just me with my internal bias?
P.S. Kroyer – Midsummer Eve bonfire – 1906 guy to immediate right of torcher = that guy looks like he just jumped off a tin of Digger Flake! And the painting is just sumptiously beautiful.
Herbert Badham – The night bus = love this one, expressionistlike, the tilt and woman leaning transfers that feeling of motion and gravity on a bus ride very well, love that it has a "no smoking" notice yet several people are smoking LOL also seems to capture a certain sullen resolve and seriousness of that era in England, and love the detail of the lady lower right reading the 6d news weekly, good stuff.
Frederick McCubbin – the pioneer – 1904 = took your advice with the zoom, my God! You're right, it's incredible. I very much like that little pipe too, very close to a Devil Anse it looks!
Kyung Min Nam – Cezanne’s Atelier – 2008 = a great painting, both in concept and execution, I love it!
Everett Raymond Kinstler – Gerald Ford - 1977 = the best portrait of Ford I've ever seen!
Arthur Heming – the voyageurs – 1915 all but one guy smoking a pipe and he’s flipping off the rest of them. I guess they wouldn’t share = LOL love the moonlight glow on this one.
Francis Bacon – Homage to Van Gogh – 1960 = Bacon has always blown my mind, totally his own style through and through, and I think he was pretty much self-taught.
John Lee Hooker?
I especially love his early solo recording where you hear his foot stomping and such.