Pipes for Troops

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Dec 7, 2012
FOB Shank, Afghanistan
To all of you, I can't convey how grateful I am to see the turn out of this request. With these type of numbers I'll be able to push these pipes out to neighboring FOB's (Forward Operating Base) to the other Soldier's. I'll be working the distribution process from here and collect pictures for all of you to see.
To answer the "Tobacco" question, yes we can receive all types of tobacco, to include pouches, tins, cartons, and anything else they're contained in.
- Gordon



Might Stick Around
Apr 3, 2012
I can't provide much, but I do have 8 perfectly smokable briar pipes I will send. I love seeing everyone chip in to help the guys in our armed service, we ALL owe them so much more. You sir, are a cut above for taking the time to bring alittle piece of home to everyone that will receive a pipe. I'd also like to thank everyone else that has donated pipes, tobacco and time to this mans cause. You are all shining examples of how it is better to give than receive. I'll step down from my soapbox now ha!



Jun 13, 2012
Put me down for a donation Scott! Thanks for doing the legwork to get our boys some nice Splash of Color MM Cobs!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 2, 2011
Houston TX
I am in to help with the MM's. Good idea--how do we transfer the funds. I also have a few ebay briars that were not quite what I hoped and can ship them...where?
Part of the issue with the Corporate donations may be that he needs a non-profit so they get a tax deduction. Does anyone know a non-profit that could get on board?
I will pass on this to the Patriot Guard Riders who I ride with and maybe we can use them to spread the word and gain support. Maybe they are the non-profit.
God Bless and no one is left behind.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 19, 2012
Bel Air, MD
Welcome, Soldier. But I won't refer to you as a soldier on these forums no longer, but as Brother.
i'm gonna put this out on my FB page and Twitter, and I will contact Hilands Cigars to see if they would be willing to donate a few cobs or beater briars and maybe some 'baccy too.
As the son of a native son of Sparta, North Carolina, I will write Dr. Grabow and see if they wouldn't be willing to make a small donation for the troops as well.

Jul 12, 2011
The Matrix
We are at 10-ins (including myself), we need another 40-ins to bring it to $17./ea

more ins can bring the per-donation down a little more and every in helps.

I won't take any funds until we have all ins at "100%" and per donation

decided and agreed upon... that way I can accept all funds/place

order ASAP with MM, get pipes in, hit all 240 pipes w/stain and get

over to Pathfinder for distribution. I have the entire week of the 24th

open for this work if we can get all ins/funds in the next few days

& both my sons are also on-board for helping their Dad to do all the

stain work once we have the case of Diplomats in hand to get all

the work done in a timely manner.
Thanks again all for supporting our troops on this wonderful project,




Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 19, 2012
Bel Air, MD
I could donate $20 for the cause this month, but sadly that it honestly all that I could afford to send. But I'd send it happily. :D



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 6, 2012
Order is being shipped to my home first, because I couldn't transfer the address properly. As soon as I recieve it, it will be on the way to you!



Jun 13, 2012
Order is being shipped to my home first, because I couldn't transfer the address properly. As soon as I recieve it, it will be on the way to you!
What order are you talking about? I don't understand.
We still need 40+ contributors for the SD splash pipes for the troops. Please, if you are smoking your pipe right now, think about how good it tastes. Did you pack your favorite blend tonight? Feeling content? Think about that soldier that doesn't have shit to smoke right now while he/she panning for mines and trying to stay alive while defending your right to have an opinion. Come on, put your money where your mouth is guys. Let's do this!



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 6, 2012
Yes joshwolftree

I figured there should be some tobacco to smoke.

To answer the "Tobacco" question, yes we can receive all types of tobacco, to include pouches, tins, cartons, and anything else they're contained in.
- Gordon
I ordered from Cupojoes, and wanted to play it safe on the shipping address, because the form on cupojoes was a bit confusing with the military address. I hear that when shipping to the military, everything has to be perfect. I'd feel better doing it by hand and seeing it done. I would hate for the package to end up in the wrong place, or being lost.



Jun 13, 2012
Cool, So what does "because I couldn't transfer the address properly" mean Josh? Oh so it is a cup O' Joes issue. I get it now. Sorry sometimes it takes me a while to understand.



Part of the Furniture Now
online shipping is notoriously difficult for putting in overseas military addresses. As a former military member it is not unusual for online orders to be sent to a stateside address and then hand addressed to the APO/FPO (Army Post Office)address at a post office. As pathfinder has already stated that some of the troops over there are pipe smokers, and therefore most likely have pipes with them, I believe guitar is planning on sending a shipment of tobacco to tide them over while the rest of us organize a massive pipe deployment.

On my own further thought's perhaps someone could create a Philanthropy sticky thread including the Pipes for Troops project and any other charitable projects undertaken by PM.com or it's members and the contact info.



Nov 21, 2011
smokindragon is waiting for the 50 or so guys needed to buy the massive deployment of cobs. He takes PayPal, for which you can use a credit card. Good job on those who have already sent something, and all of you. I am very proud of you.

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