Basically +2 on 'bug's comment for me, trout! I never "coordinate" as such -- when it comes to what I want to smoke, the pipe is the pipe & the leaf is the leaf. OK, yeah, I know that sounds flip, but it really is how I do it -- just by feel. I might spend .5 seconds at my racks, or I might look at them for as much as 10-15 seconds to figure out which one I feel like at the moment. The tins/pouches usually get less than a second unless I'm thinking good hearty flavor. Then I might stand there & think Frigate or Frog Morton, 3 Nuns or Presbyterian [yea, still working it, Mike!

], etc. If I just want a good aro or other sort it might be Chimney Smoke BCA or or McB Navy Flake or whatever, & that'll take less than a second. Basically it's just that -- "whatever" my tongue wants at the moment.
I do, though, occasionally have pipes fall out of favor, usually just because I've smoked them consistently to the point that they temporarily bore me. My little Bones apple is a good example. For a while I smoked it at least 2-3 times a week for a month or more, & after a while it'd get "Oh, I don't feel like smoking that one again now," & that put-off might continue for as much as a couple of months. Like 'bug said, it's just me that changed.