the '70% of adult smokers want to quit'* link doesn't even reference any of the studies they use. And how do they arrive at one in five deaths are due to smoking? Is that just that one in five people who die were smokers? I know smoking is bad for me, but one thing I've learnt in life is that there are 'lies, damn lies and statistics'.
*What about child smokers? I guess they're quite happy with the habit.
Well, it is known that many people that died from say, a heart attack, got counted as smoking-related deaths if they were a smoker, even if they ate 30 double quarter pounders from McDonald's every day for 30 years... all with no investigation as to whether or not the smoking was the primary cause of the heart attack or just a secondary contributing factor with something else being the primary factor (like poor diet and lack of exercise).
I'm not trying to diminish the negative health risks of smoking cigarettes, but the numbers are fudged and have been for a long time. Anti-smoking doesn't care about facts or reality.
A good example are those "Truth" anti-smoking commercials. One such commercial many years ago had a giant cat on top of a tube and when someone pushed the button, the cat statue would urinate, at which point they would give you the fact that "cigarette smoke contains urea, which is also found in cat urine!"
While technically true, it's misleading and trying to associate cigarettes with cat urine due to the beliefs about cat waste in particular causing disease. What they don't tell you is that urea is also found in all meats and most vegetables (though in very small quantities) and that all mammals produce it naturally and the body uses it for processing nitrogen, and it's relatively non-toxic (or at least, non-lethal... though as the saying goes anything can be deadly and it's "the dose that makes the poison"). However, I don't know how much urea is contained in cigarette smoke or how much extra a person gets from smoking. Though I do know urea can be irritating to the skin and mucus membranes, but I don't know the quantity necessary for that to happen.
That's not to say that tobacco and cigarette companies didn't engage in misleading or false information for a long time, they certainly did. But anyone with an agenda to push, they're going to push in whatever way they can.