Put Feather blades on a Feather razor and you've got a katana!?I love my double edged razor. I use feather blades and get a super close shave.
Title edited for capitalization. Rule 9! -jpm
I am curious what the relationship is between pipes and razors. All the tobacconists I have come across (including online) seem to sell nice razors and shaving brushes.
Could it simply be that both products appeal to the same type of gentleman?
The double or single edged razor being a device that can't be rushed and requires a bit of learning how to use.
For the record I use a 1912 Ever Ready single edge razor. Also have some Gilette DE's
Two things. When people trying to get me on the are you a man type of stuff my reaction is look at my stubble so close enough. The other is it's funny I was reading about growing beards, fashion, believes, and their relation to masculinity. The funny thing is how much they change. Like right now beards are common here and it is the clearest example I've seen since hip hugger jeans of how fashion trends happen. Someone does something not typical and it really works on them then everyone starts doing it and well it doesn't work so well.But I don't shave. (In fact a nebulous notion has flitted through my mind that there's some sort of irony built into a hyper-masculine culture of removing the most publicly visible sign of mature male-ness.)
funny thing is that guy is actually a pretty decent dude and a good musician and he's from the middle of bum fuck West Virginia. Oh and he's entertained last I heard by this meme.
so you are saying that the only thing that can handle my beard is a Katana. O.k. feathers are the only blades that don't do a shitty job.Put Feather blades on a Feather razor and you've got a katana!?
If you have thin skin, I apologize in advance for anything I say that might offend. Knowing is half the battle.I have thick hair and thin skin. After suffering with double edged razors for years, I went back to Gillette Sensor (double blade cartridge) in an aftermarket handle. If you have thin skin, nothing beats Gillette cartridges for an effortless close comfortable shave. And yes, they are expensive..
Wait WUT?In the Victorian era they thought beards would work as a filter for the air, they don't.
because if your wife hasn't seen your chin yet, it will probably be fine if she does. But why risk it!Wait WUT?
... why am I even bothering then??
Why the hell would you want that? Then your hat would mean nothing.I wish all men still wore fedoras.