I really never figured myself for a pipe smoker, and then again why should I? It is odd, out of style, and an antiquated tradition that died in my family with my grandfather. But then again I myself am odd and out of style. I belong nowhere and yet manage to squeeze my awkwardness into any place I choose. I'm like a slippery chameleon with a temperament amicable to the entire animal kingdom.
The unfortunate habit of cigarette smoking was something I picked up as a child just after my mother closed the front door after discarding her smoke on the ground. For many years I switched between dipping and smoking whenever cigarettes became a burden too much to bear.
Being the strange man of a million pleasures I picked up a cob and some Prince Albert last summer. I never looked back for fear of becoming a pillar of stone. The pleasure of the pipe have enveloped my being much to everyone's surprise.
Apparently the site of man on the verge of his 31st birthday smoking a pipe is akin to Moses parting the Red Sea.
I could not be happier. The pipe is everything you never got but dearly wanted from tobacco. Cigars are a close second and a sometimes equal companion. I often wonder why pipe smoking is a largely lost pastime. Why was it abandoned so abruptly with the passing of a generation?
The revival is in full swing. I see lots of folks buying pipe tobacco at the local B&M, but I still don't grasp why it faded from popularity for so long.
I constantly get cigar smokers asking me curiously about the pipe. If they only knew that there was another world beyond aromatics....
The unfortunate habit of cigarette smoking was something I picked up as a child just after my mother closed the front door after discarding her smoke on the ground. For many years I switched between dipping and smoking whenever cigarettes became a burden too much to bear.
Being the strange man of a million pleasures I picked up a cob and some Prince Albert last summer. I never looked back for fear of becoming a pillar of stone. The pleasure of the pipe have enveloped my being much to everyone's surprise.
Apparently the site of man on the verge of his 31st birthday smoking a pipe is akin to Moses parting the Red Sea.
I could not be happier. The pipe is everything you never got but dearly wanted from tobacco. Cigars are a close second and a sometimes equal companion. I often wonder why pipe smoking is a largely lost pastime. Why was it abandoned so abruptly with the passing of a generation?
The revival is in full swing. I see lots of folks buying pipe tobacco at the local B&M, but I still don't grasp why it faded from popularity for so long.
I constantly get cigar smokers asking me curiously about the pipe. If they only knew that there was another world beyond aromatics....