Trailboss, I was the OP on the first link you posted. As it turns out, the bumps at the back of my tongue were nothing more than my taste buds. Why they were raised up like they were, to the point that I noticed it when I swallowed, is only conjecture. I first noticed it on the way to work after having drunk a cup of coffee from a can that had been open for a long time that a neighbor had given us. We had run out of our normal brew. So, it may have been from that, but not necessarily. I did go to the doctor, and he did not believe it was an issue to worry about, and said that the bumps did not look serious and could have been caused by anything. This after I told him that I smoked a pipe a couple of times a week. He did not even caution me about smoking a pipe. Only said that if it persisted I might stop smoking for a week or so and see if it improved. I don't even believe the doc stated that these bumps were my taste buds. I asked my dentist several weeks later, and she ID'd them positively as my taste buds. I asked her if they're suppose to be so visible and raised at times, and she said her's were like that at times. I had just never noticed them before as I don't look at the very back of my tongue, and only noticed a swollen feeling that one time I mentioned. They have never been sore, though. So, bottom line, it probably would be the best thing to check with your doc and see if your bumps are your taste buds or not.