Pipe Tobacco vs. Roll-Your-Own - What’s the Definition?

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Jul 13, 2010
I HATE the thought of having the future of great blends that I haven't tried yet being stolen from me by the government just so they can nail down the RYO loophole. I'd hate to see Union Square (and others that fall into similar categorical traps) be lost to the sands of time much like many fabled blends as Balkan Sobranie, Dunhill's 965 (I know the Dunhills are coming back, but they ain't here yet!), House of Windsor blends, etc. before I can try them. I fear my pipe-smoking experience will be some-what one-dimensional, or stunted if these new taxes make producers go out of business or cut back on production of many blends that fall just shy of the pipe tobacco umbrella. I also fear that there won't be any new masterpieces created by future tobacco blenders. For all of you old-dogs, imagine no G.L. Pease, or Cornell & Diehl, just Prince Albert or Half & Half... This is why I hope and pray we can get this straightened out. I can't really add much, since I'm still WAY too green to even start to add any informed opinions on the matter. I implore our other, more experienced, members to add their thoughts to the discussion. OK. I'll get off the soapbox now to make room for some better informed people...
Thanks for putting up with my rant/anxiety.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
I'm opposed to this form of taxation, but as I stated in the article comment thread, if it must be applied to close the RYO loophole, then tax that which is unique to the RYO product -- not the cut or moisture content of the tobacco, but the rolling papers. They're a specialty product that only impacts the targeted form of tobacco use: there aren't any substitutes or unintended victims.

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