I would wade in slowly, khai91, for happier results. Start with what you know to be the milder tobaccos. When you
try something that strikes you as less pleasing, put it aside (stored carefully in canning jars or available equivalent)
and let it age some months, and try again later. Your taste will develop. Also, develop your technique, so you aren't
smoking too fast, which will give you tongue bite and maybe a little too much nicotine with stronger blends. Some
tobacco needs to be dried out a day or two (in a ceramic bowl for example, or similar container) for best results.
Nightcap is a delightful smoke, but go slow, use a small bowl at first, smoke a very easy cadence. Also, you can mix
it with something else to tone it down, if you like. Go easy. I'd start out using matches to light your pipe. Learn to
use a tamper (a pipe tool or pipe nail is fine, for a buck or three). Welcome to Forums!
try something that strikes you as less pleasing, put it aside (stored carefully in canning jars or available equivalent)
and let it age some months, and try again later. Your taste will develop. Also, develop your technique, so you aren't
smoking too fast, which will give you tongue bite and maybe a little too much nicotine with stronger blends. Some
tobacco needs to be dried out a day or two (in a ceramic bowl for example, or similar container) for best results.
Nightcap is a delightful smoke, but go slow, use a small bowl at first, smoke a very easy cadence. Also, you can mix
it with something else to tone it down, if you like. Go easy. I'd start out using matches to light your pipe. Learn to
use a tamper (a pipe tool or pipe nail is fine, for a buck or three). Welcome to Forums!