I have been smoking a pipe, on and off, for the past 40 years. With rare exceptions, I cannot tell the difference whether I am smoking a pipe that cost $800 or one that cost $50 (or even less). My collection ranges from a Dunhil, at the high end, to cobs, at the low end. Most of my pipes probably sold for between $150-$300. I am continually evaluating whether a direct relationship exists between purchase price and quality of smoke. I have found none. Here are the exceptions. I have smoked many an inexpensive, thin walled pipe that is just plain lousy and too hot to hold. So I stay away from pipes under say $50. However, I have found cobs that smoke just great and cost $10. What am I missing and what are your thoughts. Is there a relationship between purchase price(assuming new) and quality of smoke? I say no.