Pipe Storage

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Jul 25, 2012
Hey all,
I don't smoke very often - still getting the basics down - and I have a question about pipe storage. I love the flavor and smell of burning tobacco, but when I'm done and have knocked the remnants out of my bowl, my pipe smells like an ashtray. I keep them in my bathroom so the smell gets vented out, but is there any way to mitigate the ashy smell? Or am I doing something stupid that's causing it in the first place? (Please note - these are new pipes that I am using so it could just be a break-in period thing)



Jul 25, 2012
Okie dokie. Another newbie question then: when I'm done smoking I run a pipe cleaner through the stem and gently wipe down the inside of the bowl with a dry paper towel. Should I be doing less/more?



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
I do the cleaner and paper towel wipe, that should be all you need for daily care. My weekly rotation is stored in our dining room, so I don't like it smelling like pipes and the wipe keeps the smell to a minimum.



Might Stick Around
Dec 22, 2012
Boston MA/ Bethlehem NH
I have been struggling with this for about 6 months now. Since my wife complained that she can smell the pipes  in the study after I smoke them ( which I actually enjoy the smell) I have used a few measures to help eliminate or control the scent.. I'll refrain from calling it an odor since I don't think they smell that bad.
First thing I did was abandon my open air wall pipe rack and bought a pipe cabinet. It has a glass door and has space for about 16 pipes. I figured putting these in a cabinet would solve the problem... Well it helped but my wife said... " still smells".... Sigh... So on to the next level...
Level 2: I put a shallow tray of baking soda in the bottom of the cabinet in hopes this would suck up all the smells... Well again wife said.. " still smells"... On to next level...
Level 3: I replaced the baking soda with aquarium charcoal and had that in the bottom of the cabinet for a while... I think this helped more than the baking soda... But you know what... Wife said.   " still smells". Oh my aching head... Ok on to the NEXT level.
Level 4: I bought one of these charcoal closet deodorizer gels and stuck that in the cabinet. You can get them at any Walmart and are supposed to last 4 months. So it is in the cabinet now ( just put it in a couple of days ago) and the jury is still out. So I'll report if I see any difference... You can see the product below.
Keep it Dry
So I am working hard on the issue to make it acceptable to my lovely wife. Containing the pipes in a cabinet was the best improvement, but it will need some sort of internal scent reducer... So I hope this will fit the bill.
That is what I have tried so far.  I'll keep you posted and I would love to see more posts as to what has worked for others....
Cheers and happy puffing! 



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 3, 2012
I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but a lampe berger takes the smell out of the house even from the stinkiest of tobaccos. Won't make your pipes smell better but might help you out nonetheless.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 30, 2013
Portland, OR
These are some great suggestions and recommendations. I keep a few pipes & tobac pouches at my girlfriend's place, and I notice that at times they are odiferous. I was thinking of getting a little office desk drawer organizer to keep them in. I'll try some of these ideas to keep it fresh. Thanks!



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 4, 2012
I just have mine sitting on racks in my room and I love the smell, when I notice it that is. I don't often, though my little brother always comments that it smells like smoke it my room.

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