I would often smoke in my front porch and im concerned if it's somewhat rude to be smoking in close proximity to my neighbours.
I know the golden rule of standing far off from non-smokers when smoking a cigarette but i'm unsure with pipesmoking.
I smoke mainly english blends not aromatics so i feel slightly more worried about the smell around my neighbours
But as a general rule do you keep your distance afar from non-smokers like with cigarettes or do just smoke away without too much care ? (As the the smoke smells different from cigarettes).
I know the golden rule of standing far off from non-smokers when smoking a cigarette but i'm unsure with pipesmoking.
I smoke mainly english blends not aromatics so i feel slightly more worried about the smell around my neighbours
But as a general rule do you keep your distance afar from non-smokers like with cigarettes or do just smoke away without too much care ? (As the the smoke smells different from cigarettes).