Moderate nicotine consumption has some health benefits as it stimulates the brain. Of course, smoking is not good for you. You have to weigh the pros and the cons. For me, a pipe helps me relax and chill out. I otherwise wouldn’t take time for myself. I solve many problems in my life with a pipe. I also meditate and it reduces stress and anxiety, which is healthy. I also get out in nature, which has been prescribed for me - it’s important and helpful. So I would say just be cautious about how much you are smoking. Smoking a pipe or two a day is reasonable in my estimation. I’m not a doctor but I have friends that are and I have discussed it with my doctor, and they think my approach is reasonable. Pipe smoking also helps me to stay away from alcohol, which is also a very good thing. Instead of looking forward to a glass or two of wine at the end of the day, I look forward to my pipe.