I would like others have already suggested, ask first. If you get the okay then I would buy something. Even a cigar that you don't intend to smoke. A better option, in my opinion, would be to buy a soft flame lighter. It doesn't have to be one that stresses your bank account. Rather a moderate investment into your current and future occupation of the smoking room. I personally don't feel like I have to buy something each time I use my B&M's smoking room if I make a modest purchase from time to time. Consider this, nearly every cigar bar sells some form of "two buck chucks." They have no problem letting the "two buck chuck" buyer occupy their smoking room for two dollars. In comparison they should also not have a problem with a $50 lighter allowing you to occupy the same room for 25 visits, nor should you feel guilty about it. If they prefer you make a purchase each time I'd just buy a box of wooden matches each visit. Speaking for myself, I'm lucky. I'm lucky because this is my local tobacco shop. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoipcDl8w7I Good luck!!!