i'm a smoker. just enjoy smoking pipe at this point in my life. but i would smoke any form of smokeable tobacco, if given a chance. all different blends, all different pipes just add this form of smoking more interesting.
I think you summed it up exactly as it should. This, that, and everything in between.Smoking a pipe can be your main hobby, even an essential part of whatever you consider your lifestyle, but it doesn't have to be either. It's neither for quite a few here, based on posts over the past four years; it's just something we do. So, when you're greeted with "Welcome to the hobby", welcome indeed, whether it remotely resembles a hobby to you or not.
There are some true hobbyists among us, and some of their collections are awesome. Then we have a reviewer or three, and whether they consider that a hobby is up to them. One fellow has made it an incredible avocation. The casual maker of a handful of pipes may consider it a hobby. True collectors are probably hobbyists. (Not like me, with barrels of pipes, pretty random and not even sorted.) The historians among us may consider their passion a hobby. But just smoking a pipe and trying new blends doesn't make it a hobby—unless it is so for you.
As to life-style, I am not even sure what that is with respect to smoking. I guess we all have a "life style" that could be categorized by academics, but so what.
Very well put...Part of the beauty of Forums, to bring 'em all together in their startling variety.