Pipe Smoking Has Taught Me...

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Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I've read many times that cigarette "tobacco" contains a lot of additives that aren't tobacco. Dozens. Is this a shibboleth?
Same with blends. Casings, toppings, fertilizers and other soil amendments, the odd hair, etc., we've all read here of odd objects found in a freshly opened tin. The distinction is; common brands of cigarettes are wrapped in chemically infused paper, so as to make them burn faster and continuously. Tobaccos used in cigarettes are essentially the same, different proportions, as in blends. I believe Michael made the observation that tobaccos used in cigarettes are often some of the best available. I think cigarette makers usually have access to more moneys, purchasing larger quantities for a better price point. That's only a anecdotal observation however.



Jan 5, 2018
The Faroe Islands
Olkofri, I know. Being a smoker can be difficult. But what I'm talking about is the way we tend to merge politics and people around us. So when policy makers or health concerned lobbyists give us a hard time, we leap to the conclusion that everyone is against us. Which may or may not be true. Probably not.

I believe most ordinary people are mostly fine with or indifferent to whatever we choose to do. And I think we get the most of whatever we do if we aren't so concerned with what "they" might think.



Dec 29, 2016
For a moment I thought you said LATKES...I love those, but the sour cream would be messy :nana:



Dec 12, 2016
I believe Michael made the observation that tobaccos used in cigarettes are often some of the best available. I think cigarette makers usually have access to more moneys, purchasing larger quantities for a better price point.
I think that cigarette manufacturers are just greedy and if they can save a penny in order to make an extra buck by compromising on the quality aspect, they won't hesitate to do it. After all, 99% of cigarette smokers (community to which I belonged and every so often I still indulge in the habit especially when I have one too many drinks) are looking to scratch an itch - the psychological gesture and the throat and chest tickling, and are less interested in tobacco aroma. Warren, to that end you may be a minority of the cigarette smoking community.
Getting back to the op question, pipe smoking has given me a good pass time and a means of slowing down. I like collecting stuff, and tobacco and pipe collecting is a very agreeable pass time for me. Also, smoking a pipe helps me slow down, which is imperativ for a choleric personality such as mine. In other words, it adds a pinch of sweetness to my quality of life. Is it as deadly as cigarettes? I would argue not, simply because one is not inhaling. Is tobacco bad for your health? Well ... smoking two packs of cigs a day is certainly more hazardous than smoking two bowls.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
I like every form tobacco comes in and have never been persecuted for using any of them publicly. I've received a lot of questions regarding pipe smoking and heard stories of relatives that smoked a pipe but never anything negative. As for other's opinions, I can't think of one person's opinions that mean anything to me.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
are less interested in tobacco aroma.
Even with pipes, aroma holds little interest for me. I'm all about the nicotine and the flavor. I really do not smell the tobacco smoke while smoking nor after. More so, tin note really doesn't tell be a thing about the flavor of the product when burning. A nice aroma may lead to a terrible taste. I prefer "English" blends so the nose may help when selecting blend from a jar in shop. But, that's still no guarantee of a great blend. At least that's true for me.
I also know many cigarette smokers who smoke for the same reason many here cite, relaxing. And, thank God for those "greedy" companies who have cigarettes in their portfolio. Their profits help me and millions of others, smoker or not, to maintain a chosen life style as retirement plans and other investments benefit from their profits/greed. Profit is good. Loss is bad. Pipe blend manufactures are not giving their product away to users, they want profits also. I know of no altruistic manufacturers of pipe blends.
pipe smoking has given me a good pass time and a means of slowing down. I like collecting stuff, and tobacco and pipe collecting is a very agreeable pass time for me.
Are the above not "itches" you scratch with the pipe and various pipe paraphernalia purchases? I fail to see any reason to denigrate cigarettes in order tout pipes. Makes no sense to me. Both the pipe and cigarette are purely personal, selfish choices. Really no major difference, no matter how hard one tries to justify the use of one over the other. I take the easy way out, accepting responsibility for bad choices I make and enjoying cigarettes and tobacco. So, I waste no time trying to ease my mind. And, not only do I get to select from a myriad of blends, I also have many choices of cigarette brands. My tobacco world is much wider than yours! You've so limited your choices. :crying:



Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
I fail to see any reason to denigrate cigarettes in order tout pipes.

I agree. I concede that pulling smoke into one's lungs isn't healthy, but I also see how one can easily use some thing's disadvantage to boost oneself to lofty heights and start enshrining oneself and one's choices. "Oh, oh, I'm so much better because I don't suck on those coffin nails"... pfft. Not much difference from those demonising all tobacco because they're into wellness and 'healthy' living; or from the power plant chimney vapers touting their habit as healthy because 'it's not tobacco'. Ixnay to the pharisaical!
Pipe smoking has taught me that.
I concur on the slowing down that pipe smoking teaches you. When I pipe and drive I slow down my driving; thus, I was saved through my pipe from getting into an accident this winter: because I was going slower I was able to floor the brakes and steer my car away from the oncoming SUV; had I not been piping I'da been going at my usual speed and I woulda hit that guy, as the brakes don't stop a car skidding on ice. Thank God for my pipe.



Nov 26, 2018
Lake Martin, AL
So true Pipestud! I also reminds me that I don't care what others think...unless they are young, hot, and rich. Ok, I can be shallow for the right price. Do you or your daddy have a private plane? Maybe. Yacht in the Med? Over 4,000 acres of good cattle land?



Dec 12, 2016
warren perhaps you have come to terms with a truth that I still keep in denial. Honestly ... I loved smoking, even when I was a two pack a day fellow. I used to love the gesture, love the nicotine high, and the social environment of smoking cigarettes (until only four years back, we could smoke in bars around here). I may be able to accept the fact that all this European legislation and all the negative social pressure, on top of one godfather passing away from lung cancer and two parents surviving cancer (not lung), have turned me into a hypocrite. A wanderer for sound healthy reasons for being amble to keep on smoking - like I said, I was so into cigarettes that even now when falling back on old habits I am reaching out for the pack of fags. On the other hand, remembering how I felt after a night of 30+ smokes, compared to a day with no cigarettes and just a couple of bowls, I must admit that I feel quite a bite healthier, not as winded, and more oxygenated. If I smoke 10 fags one night, I don't know the next day if I am hung over or just sick from all the smoke I inhaled. Yes .. perhaps tobacco hoarding and pipe acquisition is a selfish mechanism that serves the purpose of making me feel better, but I feel much more satisfaction from smoking a pipe, collecting pipes, and searching for various aroma in tobacco (you call it flavor, here we may be talking about the same thing - my English language skill being limited), than just smoking cigarettes. Again ... remember, in Europe we all have a long history of cigarette smoking, the habit being demonized fairly recently unlike the US. My mother smoked 1 pack a day, my grandfathers both two packs of filter less a day, I myself had my "dark periods, and I am still struggling with stepping away from cigs. For me ... morally if you want, pipe smoking has become far more acceptable both as a health issue and as a "vice".



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I also, can do a litany of family members who have succumbed via lung cancer. I don't, because there's no point in it. Really, why would anyone, other than kin and, possibly some close family friends, be interested? Same as there being no point in denigrating cigarettes, tobacco companies, etc. to a bunch of smokers. It's always wise to delete, not send, a stream of consciousness. They tend to become screeds as opposed to carefully reasoned missives.
But, back to the original question:
As a person who enjoys tobacco how can we change the narrative and insist on a distinction being made between cigarette smoking and tobacco in general?
We can't, you are looking for a distinction without a real difference. There are also the considerations: How much tobacco would be produced if there were not cigarettes smokers to purchase the vast majority of tobacco products? How many pipe smokers also indulge in cigarettes? How many, "only pipe smokers" started with a "chaw", "dip" or cigarette? And then the reality, tobacco usage is now and for the foreseeable future socially unacceptable. Furthermore, society ain't makin' no damned distinctions!



Jul 19, 2018
To be more willing to shake it off, whatever it may be. I don't know if pipe smoking taught me this or just facilitates, more than likely the latter, but I'll take it.



Dec 12, 2016
warren you seem very emotional on the subject, no point in furthering this discussion on my end, nor presenting dissident opinions.
It's always wise to delete, not send, a stream of consciousness
I am not streaming my consciousness with the group, sorry you took it that way, but at the end of the day I have broken no rules on the forum - that being said what I see "wise" to share with the forum on a topic is up to me to judge, and I would appreciate if you would respect that.

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