I tell my partner that I smoke a pipe to relax. She tells me if I was any more relaxed, I'd be dead.
Same with blends. Casings, toppings, fertilizers and other soil amendments, the odd hair, etc., we've all read here of odd objects found in a freshly opened tin. The distinction is; common brands of cigarettes are wrapped in chemically infused paper, so as to make them burn faster and continuously. Tobaccos used in cigarettes are essentially the same, different proportions, as in blends. I believe Michael made the observation that tobaccos used in cigarettes are often some of the best available. I think cigarette makers usually have access to more moneys, purchasing larger quantities for a better price point. That's only a anecdotal observation however.I've read many times that cigarette "tobacco" contains a lot of additives that aren't tobacco. Dozens. Is this a shibboleth?
Never money. A couple of beers, a shot or two, well ya, who hasn't right? Am I right?!?!We all, at sometime or another, have sold ourselves for moneys.
Sorry bro, that one just don't fly'subject others (us) to something we don't want (not being able to smoke)'.
I think that cigarette manufacturers are just greedy and if they can save a penny in order to make an extra buck by compromising on the quality aspect, they won't hesitate to do it. After all, 99% of cigarette smokers (community to which I belonged and every so often I still indulge in the habit especially when I have one too many drinks) are looking to scratch an itch - the psychological gesture and the throat and chest tickling, and are less interested in tobacco aroma. Warren, to that end you may be a minority of the cigarette smoking community.I believe Michael made the observation that tobaccos used in cigarettes are often some of the best available. I think cigarette makers usually have access to more moneys, purchasing larger quantities for a better price point.
Even with pipes, aroma holds little interest for me. I'm all about the nicotine and the flavor. I really do not smell the tobacco smoke while smoking nor after. More so, tin note really doesn't tell be a thing about the flavor of the product when burning. A nice aroma may lead to a terrible taste. I prefer "English" blends so the nose may help when selecting blend from a jar in shop. But, that's still no guarantee of a great blend. At least that's true for me.are less interested in tobacco aroma.
Are the above not "itches" you scratch with the pipe and various pipe paraphernalia purchases? I fail to see any reason to denigrate cigarettes in order tout pipes. Makes no sense to me. Both the pipe and cigarette are purely personal, selfish choices. Really no major difference, no matter how hard one tries to justify the use of one over the other. I take the easy way out, accepting responsibility for bad choices I make and enjoying cigarettes and tobacco. So, I waste no time trying to ease my mind. And, not only do I get to select from a myriad of blends, I also have many choices of cigarette brands. My tobacco world is much wider than yours! You've so limited your choices. :crying:pipe smoking has given me a good pass time and a means of slowing down. I like collecting stuff, and tobacco and pipe collecting is a very agreeable pass time for me.
I fail to see any reason to denigrate cigarettes in order tout pipes.
We can't, you are looking for a distinction without a real difference. There are also the considerations: How much tobacco would be produced if there were not cigarettes smokers to purchase the vast majority of tobacco products? How many pipe smokers also indulge in cigarettes? How many, "only pipe smokers" started with a "chaw", "dip" or cigarette? And then the reality, tobacco usage is now and for the foreseeable future socially unacceptable. Furthermore, society ain't makin' no damned distinctions!As a person who enjoys tobacco how can we change the narrative and insist on a distinction being made between cigarette smoking and tobacco in general?
I am not streaming my consciousness with the group, sorry you took it that way, but at the end of the day I have broken no rules on the forum - that being said what I see "wise" to share with the forum on a topic is up to me to judge, and I would appreciate if you would respect that.It's always wise to delete, not send, a stream of consciousness