Man... I smoke a pipe. I still use a brush with soap to shave. My most frequently used cookware is made out of cast iron. I'll pick up a fountain pen before a ball point. I know how to use a bound dictionary and thesaurus. Am I just old (fashioned), or riding the crest of a resurgence wave? All I know is, my life is not near as hectic as people tell me it should be. I'll take a rise in the number of pipe smokers, as long as it's accompanied by an increased enjoyment in the pace of life, and not a rush to see who can get to the end "first with the most."
On the side: Every time Ted sends out one of his newsletter updates, I'm compelled to order something. The power of timeless prose (well, they are pretty good stories he tells).
On the side: Every time Ted sends out one of his newsletter updates, I'm compelled to order something. The power of timeless prose (well, they are pretty good stories he tells).