I know this is not that big of deal, but my wife has been suffering with a little flare up of diverticulitis, so she's been camping in front of the TV quite a bit. She was watching some old game shows on the Game Show Network, and Match Game came on. A real blast from the past, probably early 1970s. I was sort of watching it when I noticed that one of the panel guests, Charles Nelson Reilly was actually smoking a pipe! We checked out a few more of the shows, and quite often he was smoking a pipe while participating on the show. I can't remember what else Mr. Reilly was in, but it was fun seeing him in action here. I guess it's been so long that we've seen pipe smoking on a TV program that it was a little unbelievable. Nowadays any use of tobacco on the TV seems so shocking that we forget how common it used to be. I know cigarettes were a fairly common sight, and sometimes cigars, but pipes on TV always seemed to be seen before the advent of color TV programs. But I'm probably wrong about that idea.
Anyway it was fun to see, although I could never tell what kind of pipe he was smoking.
Anyway it was fun to see, although I could never tell what kind of pipe he was smoking.