I get annoyed when people want to take my picture while I am just setting in town enjoying my pipe, or worse, they want a picture with me. It's just as bad when I am setting there minding my own business, and some stranger sets down and takes me smoking my pipe as an invitation to talk, as if I have any inclination of taking my pipe out of my mouth. Or worse, they want to know how to get started smoking a pipe. So, I at least have to take my pipe out of my mouth long enough to tell them to get lost, they just aren't cool enough to smoke a pipe. Young punks, want to smoke a pipe, who do they think they are? If they want to smoke a pipe, they can just google it. It's just irritating how many times I have to take my pipe out of my mouth to respond to some rude intruder on my pipe enjoyment. And, pictures!!! How rude!! Assholes, like they've never seen a respectful, grown man, minding his own business, wearing a bunny suit walking about town with a pipe. The freaks! dammit!!!