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Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 23, 2015
Will do Pat. Its not local to me considering I have to drive 45 min/ 1 hour to get there. But considering the rewards of meeting fellow pipers I'll gladly make the drive.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Not to be critical of cigar smokers (I enjoy them on occasion) but have you ever noticed how animated and talkative they are in the lounge? I prefer the long pauses and contemplation with fellow pipe smokers.
Smoking a cigar is easy enough that any monkey could do it, puff puff. So talking while smoking is not a challenge. But, with a pipe, the more you talk the more times you have to re-light. I really have to keep my pipe in my clench to make any attempts at smoking. But, when I go to the B&M, I will light my pipe, allow the room to reveal what the conversation is, and then I set my pipe down and talk. I totally stink at trying to smoke and hold a conversation at the same time. My whole family knows that when the pipe is in my maw, do not attempt to talk to me, unless someone is on fire.
I think that social pipe smoking works. Our pipe club is a very quiet endeavor. It really helps to have that one guy who talks a bunch, so that everyone else can smoke. This is where a cigar guy comes in handy, Ha ha.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 23, 2015
Michael, I'm talkative by nature but when I took up the pipe my wife started noticing that I've become "too quite" :lol: When smoking cigarettes I can talk and talk while burning through my pack. I don't think cigar smoking is any different as you pointed out.
I like the quite me with the pipe better. I've been learning as I grow up that there's more joy to be had in listening than talking anyway.

May 31, 2012
Recently came across this old ad and it immediately reminded me of what I wrote above relating my experience about smoking that old Gallaher's Girder with Eric:

I was joyed to have recently met up with a neighbor who lives 30 minutes north of me, named Eric, The Falcon here on the forums, and it was like an ecstatic union of true brotherhood, our conversations could have lasted for all of infinity, the concept of time disappeared, we talked, we smoked Gallaher's 'Girder' Circular Dark Brown Navy Cut and both of us fell into a trance-like state, hardly a word between us,

it was a most Most Holy moment.
The timelessness of tobacco.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
When I first picked up the pipe, I was always hanging out in my buddies cigar lounge. We had a crew that came there every day 5 days a week from about 10am to 5pm. My cigar buddies busted my balls unmercifully when I picked up the pipe, I of course gave it back in spades. I finally turned one of my cigar buddies into a pipe smoker so it was two of us against the rest. We played cards, watched CNBC, we would call our brokers and do some day trading. It was a great time. We were all alphas and the ball busting was on a different level. We would hammer each other on every topic imaginable. It didn't matter if it was religion, politics, peoples wives, nothing was out of bounds.
I miss those years big time. Here in FL I smoke with Zack and his wife Gretta. There is some good ball busting when we get together. We have a lot of laughs.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 11, 2015
I don't have anybody to smoke with. I wish I did. I have always smoked alone since day one. Not that I have a problem with that but I do quite often miss having someone to just sit and smoke with. Not all pipe smokers are easy going though. Not here in sunny Cyprus where I am.
Once I went to the workshop of a local pipe maker here, which is also a small coffee shop downstairs, and two gents came in, sat and lit up. I was just sitting there quitely, sipping my FVF looking at them occasionaly, trying to great them if you will. They did not say a word. When I finally decided it was time to say something, and asked one of them what was it they were smoking, the guy turned to me, looking as if he weren't quite sure it was him I had spoken to, and asked me if I meant I wanted to try their leaf. I said " No, that's ok, I am not really into aros you know, I was just curious what it was". Well, obviously he had to answer and tell me what it was, but the converstation just could not pick up. I had never met other people smoking pipes before, so yes, I was a bit disappointed. I thought we'd be more like of the same breed, but that is not always the case. Here on this forum, where all we do is sit and type, I really feel there are quite a few fellas I feel I could be good smoking buddies with, but unfortunately this can't happen. I am on the other side of the globe. I have not lost hope and still believe sooner or later I will stumble upon another piper that can let his ( or her) issues aside, enjoy a smoke and have a conversation, or not.



Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
@pipemarshal82 - 63.
@atskywalker -"That's because you're pipe smokers. I remember reading somewhere that researchers found out that most people become terrified of silence in the company of others to the extent that it takes an average person about 40 seconds to feel compelled to say something to break the silence"
I discovered a long time ago that I can learn more from keeping my mouth shut and listening than I can when speaking. As for reading, I grew up poor but discovered books early in life. It was no big deal for me to walk to the local library which was about 6 blocks from the house we were living in when I was 8 years old. On Saturday afternoons the library would have a reading hour for children and I would go every time I could. I learned to listen. I got my own library card and learned to read. Reading became my escape from boredom and the heat of living in south Louisiana. It also provided the platform to become a good writer and lead to a career as a photojournalist, outdoor writer and magazine editor.
My senior year in high school I received credit for 123 book reports. As a teenager. I routinely read 5 books a week - always a mix of fiction and non-fiction.
I still read everyday. I have books stuck in my desk drawers, on my printer stand, in boxes, on top of my wardrobe (that's one of those tall things you put clothes in) and on the back of the toilet so I always have something close at hand to read. I never throw a book away though I do sometimes trade books to the local used book store for more books. I just have trouble discarding books I've read much like I have developed a problem with throwing out empty tobacco tins. I keep them because I never know when I may want to relieve the experience.
And I miss a good daily newspaper and news magazines. Printed material always seemed more real to me than the fleeting pixels on a computer screen. Stories read on paper gives the perception that more time has spend on in-depth reporting than the fleeting 30-second stories we see on television or hear on the radio. And I cannot easily listen to an audio-book. I find the slow, even delivery of the "reader" to be a sure cure for insomnia - they just put me to sleep from sheer boredom.
I will stop now.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 9, 2016
redpanda I'm in Crete so if you happen by here I'd be delighted to smoke a couple of bowls with you. With some obligatory raki of course. :)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 11, 2015
@ grue : That's very cool Bro. Never been there. I've been to Kos, beautiful ! I will let you know if I come around !



Jun 26, 2012
Sounds like a great time. I am also fortunate enough to have a local B&M which allows smoking inside. Apparently the shop was opened long before the laws about smoking inside were put in to place, so this grandfathered them in to being able to smoke in doors. Sitting around smoking pipes with strangers is honestly where I learned about 90% of my piping information. I am lucky enough to have a large group of amazing pipers in my town. These individuals (like yours) love to share tobacco and talk about anything and everything. Also, they have about 35 years of experience on me! Glad you found a great place to enjoy some good tobacco with some good folks. Pick their brains about everything pipe and tobacco related. It sounds like its worth the drive to me! Enjoy and keep us updated!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 6, 2013
Pipe smoking with friends or acquaintances makes it that much better in my opinion. I have a few friends who smoke either pipes or cigars and when I'm able to get together with them and smoke and banter, it is always more fun than when I smoke alone. I do still enjoy solitary smoking and smoke that way most often. Tonight a friend of mine is making an hour drive to come to my house to hang out and smoke our pipes together. We try to do it every month or so. It's a great way to maintain our relationship.



Sep 14, 2011
apparently most tobacco stores (at least in the Metro Detroit area) don't allow pipers to use the smoking room--because the shop has to be specially licensed to allow pipe smoking! That's hard to believe, but the corner smoke shop told me it wasn't allowed. What danger this constitutes where one needs a license is beyond me.
Michigan has odd laws on smoking. Places that sell food or drink - a cigar bar, for example - or if they hope to get a food or beverage license - can only allow cigar smoking. If the owner doesn't care about that, you can have cigars or pipes or whatever.

I have walked into that shop with a pipe in my mouth with no problem. I have a feeling that the owner of that chain of smokeshops hopes to turn them into cigar bars.

There are smokeshops that allow pipesmoking and hanging out - there's just not too many, just like there's not too many B&M smokeshops, period.

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