Pipe Smoker On Cover Of Latest L.L. Bean Catalog

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2012
West Park, NY
I got my catalog today too and I knew someone was going to have posted already. I'm 28 and I love LL Bean. If I spend $50 on a sweater from LL Bean, I know that my grand kids are going to inherit it vs. spending $50 on a sweater from one of the stores geared towards 'my demographic' and having to buy the same sweater again next year because I washed it twice and it fell apart. Plus, next year it will cost $60 because it is now 'retro.'
My 2p.



Mar 30, 2012
I don't think I've spent 50 dollars on anything clothes I own other than my ray bans and one fitted suit I have.



May 11, 2012
LL Bean has excellent product and even better customer service. If you ever wear out that Bomber Jacket I'll bet you could call them and get it replaced free. Any of their hunting, fishing or outdoor type stuff will last longer then you will. Buy a pair of their fishing waders and slide down the bank and rip them.. they will send you a new pair no questions asked (I know this for a fact :)



Jun 13, 2012
L.L. Bean always seemed like an overpriced brand but still has some cool history. I'm surprised they put a picture with a man smoking a pipe on it.
I can't speak highly enough of the company. It has been a while since I bought from them but I have had a few things wear out over the years like a backpack/bookbag and they replaced it free of charge. They are a little higher priced but their stuff is very well made and they stand behind it. That is important to me in a company.
For the life of me I can't remember the American company that makes those handmade red wool Parkas. They looked kinda old school but the design is timeless. Plenty of pockets for pipe/baccy and other gear. I was considering one last year but didn't purchase. There was a video of them making them in their factory. Anyone know or seen the video care to jog my memory?



Can't Leave
Jul 30, 2011
That is either the steepest put-in in history, or what they are smoking shrank the other canoe! Apparently, having good map skills is not a prerequisite!



Mar 30, 2012
I don't doubt the company has good quality and it has a good reputation. It just really isn't my style or has ever been in the budget. I always try to buy off the discount rack because I like to buy things for the people close to me instead. I don't spend much on myself.



Apr 5, 2012
United States
I have a couple of their shirts. Their sleeves are a bit on the shorter side. I do love the style and I got the catalog as well first thing I noticed was te pipe!



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
As a matter of fact, I took off the snap leather pull tab, lost it. I decided I like the snap, so I call Bean's customer service to see if I could buy another. They didn't sell the tabs, but sent me one at no cost.



May 29, 2011
I have been buying L.L. Bean for years. Toughest duffle bags ever. And I get my golf shirts from them. I haven't ever been disappointed in their product. The only L.L. Bean pipes I have run accross were the ones made in the Dr. Grabow factory, and I have enough Dr. Grabow pipes. There was one on fleabag last week, and I found 2 on All of Craig's List.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 14, 2012
Northern, Ontario. Canada
I noticed the gent on teh cover as well, pointed it out to my wife.
I am a huge LL bean fan, Especially their Vintage stuff, Their new clothes are great, but the majority of the stuff from yesteryear was made in the USA. I have two of the Flying Tiger leather jackets, both super tough, and made in the US. I believe they are now made in Turkey. Not to say they are not tough, But...
They are an outstanding company, with excellent customer service. My wife and I drive down from Toronto, Ontario to Freeport every year to hang out, go to LL bean, and just enjoy the town built around a outdoors outfitters....Hint: Check out the local thrift stores for tons of LL bean stuff, and super cheap!
Two years ago I was able swing my way into the Bean boot factory for a tour, A rare opportunity for a average Joe like myself, it took a lot of emails and calls, but what a experience. So many amazing happy proud people working at LL Bean, everyone should own a pair of their boots, Most versatile footwear EVER.
Some pictures of the tour here.
Scoop Those Bean Pipes up, BUT if you see the freehand version, let me know!



Jan 25, 2012
8O Wow! lots of Bean fans on here. Didn't see that coming.
Damn Yak -Great post and pics from the Bean Boot tour. Thanks for sharing that was very interesting.



Might Stick Around
Apr 25, 2010
I agree with all the LL Bean love above...I love their stuff. Yes some of the stuff is more expensive than stuff you can get elsewhere, some can actually be the same or cheaper. And cheaper still when you factor in the replacement cost! hehe Their stuff is high quality, and I've learned over the years, I'd rather pay a few more dollars for something that will last 10+ years (or forever) rather than skimp and have to rebuy in two.
And their customer service is second to none, especially in this day and age of "we're the company, we have your money, so F U!" It's extremely refreshing to deal with a company that realizes the whole reason they exist and are in business is because of you, the customer.
I had a pair of slippers, that after a lot of wearing, the seam between the top and bottom started separating...nevermind this was after four years of wear (previous non-LL Bean slippers needed replacement annually). My wife had previously returned some clothes that didn't fit right, no questions asked. And I had kept hearing about how great their CS was, so I contacted them about the slippers, telling them that it wasn't a defect, I had been wearing them for four years. The lady replied that 100% satisfaction is guaranteed, anytime, anywhere, on anything, and it didn't matter that it was from wear and tear, if I wasn't 100% satisfied they would ship me out a new pair and I could return my current ones in the box along with the return slip.
We have three sets of flannel sheets that we bought in 2001, that are JUST getting to the point where we are considering replacing them...I'd say 11 year run on flannel sheets is a pretty good track record being that the sets you buy at Bed Bath and Beyond need replacing halfway through winter!

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