My pipe smoke feels thin compared to my dannemann cigarillos. The smoke feels like air, I can't inhale normal cigarette smoke but my pipe smoke feels like air compared to cigarettes. Maybe that's the way it should be? And I don't get so much taste either
My tobacco is not to wet.
Pipe: MM pony Express
Tobacco: Dunhill nightcap
Edit: I know your not supposed to inhale pipe smoke it's just a comparison
My pipe smoke feels thin compared to my dannemann cigarillos. The smoke feels like air, I can't inhale normal cigarette smoke but my pipe smoke feels like air compared to cigarettes. Maybe that's the way it should be? And I don't get so much taste either
Pipe: MM pony Express
Tobacco: Dunhill nightcap
Edit: I know your not supposed to inhale pipe smoke it's just a comparison