Pipe smoke feels thin

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Nov 12, 2018

My pipe smoke feels thin compared to my dannemann cigarillos. The smoke feels like air, I can't inhale normal cigarette smoke but my pipe smoke feels like air compared to cigarettes. Maybe that's the way it should be? And I don't get so much taste either:( My tobacco is not to wet.
Pipe: MM pony Express
Tobacco: Dunhill nightcap
Edit: I know your not supposed to inhale pipe smoke it's just a comparison



Jan 5, 2018
The Faroe Islands
There are many factors that can affect your smoking. Moisture, pack, pipe, cadence etc. Even weather, humidity, atmospheric pressure and so on. Most days I get lots of flavors from my pipes, but occasionally they'll be flavorless. I think it's a mood thing.

I also think you might have some expectations from smoking cigars and cigarettes, that don't match pipe tobacco. Flavors in pipe smoke are more subtle, elusive even, and you need to do it for a while before really appreciating it. Maybe abstain from the sharper tasting cigarillos and such for a while.

All that being said, Nightcap is very flavorful and you ought to taste it.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 17, 2014
I have noticed that ALL my cobs mute the flavours of my tobacco. This is to some blends benefit and to others detriment. For example, Old Dark Fired can smoke a little harsh and even acrid at times when I smoke it in my briars. Put it in a cob and it's far softer and sweeter and just not as strong on the palate.
Any thin smokes I have had have generally been caused by poor packing, moisture levels or the nature of the tobacco. The fact you're smoking Nightcap suggests it could be a combination of packing and cob. Any tin of that I have had has always been spot on for moisture levels and it's not an insipid by nature, blend and it has always created plenty of smoke. Play about with your technique and see how it changes the character of the smoke and try it in a briar. If you have one.



Nov 26, 2018
i pack mostly loose. don't pack first few pinches at all. i get plenty of smoke even breath smoking and pulling light. but on occasions i pull hard just for the smoke and to keep the pipe lit, specifically after tamping.



Feb 21, 2013
To reinforce the previous posts, I'd try a few different pipes, some briar, remove filters if any, and also try a few different blends (buy small quantities until you work this out). Cavendish, unflavored black, builds smoke volume usually without adding much flavor, so you might also try mixing in a pinch or dusting of that.

Nov 12, 2018
Thanks for all the answers! It is -10C/14F outside, maybe that effects the experience. I don't have any other pipes or tobacco right now but I have ordered a bigger and better cob because the pony express is very small and also some tobacco. I have tried most of the things, I guess I have other expectation and my tongue palette is not used to pipe tobacco yet. I will stop smoking my cigarillos and see if that makes a difference. I have tried different packing methods and how hard I pack it, same result

I have the same taste through the whole bowl. I don't need to relight it so I can keep it lit. I also get plenty of visible smoke, so I guess I do something right :)



Might Stick Around
Aug 9, 2018
Make sure your pipe doesn't have a leak somewhere around the area where shank meets stem, or even a tiny pinhole near the lip. I've seen it happen many times but it's hard to diagnose.


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