I store my pipes according to grade:
A TV tray sits at my side with ~15 jars of the tobacco I'm smoking. On the same tray nearest me are 10 cobs with bowl to stem, etc.
Between them and the border on the other side of these jars are:
a no man's land of cheap briars piled with some care, for the purposes of maximum piling, ~15 cheap briars.
In their socks on another table, resting safely, are my high-grades, including a Betram Safferling freehand that is too free for me but which nonetheless has fantastic grain that I don't smoke.
The only person who ever claimed he could smell my resting pipes was my father, a confirmed anti once he stopped smoking cigarettes. These pipes were in their socks inside a thick plastic bag in a room he didn't use but past which he walked fairly frequently. It may or may not have been his subjective perception