"Also do you think the bowl has too much cake? Is there such thing as too much cake?"
Sorry, but the sarcasm detector on my computer isn't working... are you serious? Assuming you are, yes, there is WAY too much cake here.
You need a reamer........ Many of the online B&Ms can fix you up. Or you may want to send the pipe out and have it repaired and cleaned.
Either way, pick up a reamer. You'll need one sooner or later.
set reamer to thickness u want, insert into bowl and carefully turn it, make sure to keep it straight. set it to leave just alittle cake so u dont have to re-break pipe in again, dont ream it to the wood.
I have a few pipes that I have used super glue on cracked shanks that are still going strong after years of abuse. Looks to me from the picture that the crack was caused by beating the bowl top to remove dottle. The most common cause of split shanks.
To thin that cake use a reamer. If you are going to give the pipe a salt and alcohol treatment do that first . It will soften the cake a bit.