The price I'm willing to pay for any given pipe is dictated by the cost of Mrs. Cortez' (aka. Shoe Lady's) most recent purchase indulgence. (You won't find any cobs or Grabows in my rotation!) :rofl:
So you are simply asking a Grabow and a Dunhill in hand, which I am going to smoke? Dunhill for sure if I am not going to pay for itExcept it doesn’t, not really. Like a pinto and a Porsche, either will get you there but with keys in hand which are you gonna drive?
Actually, I only have seven, and I started dealing with Bruce because he was going to make a pipe for my Dad before he died and some of Bruce's proceeds went to charity. Not to mention the fact that the last one I got from him was a gift, and I didn't pay a dime for it.And you have a trunkful of Weavers. This isn’t one of those “just a cigar” moments.
Guess which one lives in my car's glove box, and which one gets to stay in my pipe closet when I'm not smoking it.So you are simply asking a Grabow and a Dunhill in hand, which I am going to smoke?