This started out not as "is any pipe worth $X?" but rather, hey, look at these two pipes and see if you think there is a $700 difference.
Key points:
1. They both come from the same shop
2. They both have a similar shape, size and finish/accents/grain
3. One of these two pipes may have been carved by Tom Eltang. One of them certainly was.
In regards to money, I am in the camp that will think before I spend it. Most wealthy people that I know also treat their money in this way, regardless of quantity. It's just smart, and it acts as a great buffer to making really stupid decisions. I find that if you keep every part of your house in order in the day to day, the whole thing will be sound for the lifetime.
Lots of small bad decisions have a weird way of filtering up to the bigger -more important- decisions.
There are, perhaps, some wealthy people who do not think about their money at all, but I suggest they are rare. Some billionaires, maybe. Even then, I doubt it. Some people also pretend to not care in specific circumstances to put on a little show for anyone who is looking. That's fine, they have their reasons. But don't believe everything you see. The ones who truly don't give a damn tend to be good at losing it.
Ask my friend who bought a chalet from the bankruptcy proceedings of an "aristocrat" who didn't think about money and did things like flying from Southern Germany to Paris for dinner and a haircut, among other "rich things" to do. I think he eventually killed himself. At any rate, he lost it all.
Anyway... I tend not to look down on people who cut coupons, haggle deals, or question the value they are presented with. Seems smart to me. But what the hell do I know?
I think there are lots of pipes worth between $1 and $1,000,000 depending on the story. Depending on the way it is carved. Depending on what it is made out of. Depending on who carved it. Depending on a near limitless set of variables. I also think it is legit to question all of those prices in-between. Most people do, even the rich ones.