Pipe Pics Dirty Dunhills

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 15, 2013
I just picked up a pair of Dunhills. The first is a shape 314, slightly bent prince. The second one is a 33 F/T, I thought it was a Canadian shape, but it is identified as a Liverpool with a fishtail stem. The Prince has slight tooth chatter and the Liverpool has almost no tooth chatter. Both stems are VERY oxidized and are nearly yellow. I also picked up a Hardcastle Royal Windsor and a Sasieni Royal Stuart in the same sale. And under $175 including shipping for all four. The Dunhills will be sent to a forum member on Monday for cleaning, Ed is much more experienced than myself and I don't want to make a boo boo on these. I'll post finished pictures when they return.
The Prince has a Verdun Tenon, and both appear to have spider web in the bowl. :laughat: They haven't been cleaned in quite a while.
I also included a couple of pictures on an inverted Calabash that I'm finishing up from a bowl and stem I purchased. The bands are a small slice of Walnut and a piece of Black Marble lucite. It has a large chamber so I'm hoping for a cool smoke, I already finished a shorter version and it is a great smoker, even better than some of my medium quality pipes, Ser Jacopo, Radice, etc. And it only cost about $20 to put together, plus time.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 5, 2012
That was a nice score on the pipes. Have you dated the Dunhills?
Also, nice job on the pipe you made. I like the rusticattion and although I usually don't care for them, I think the white stem offsets the banding on your pipe nicely.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 15, 2013
I have found no date codes on either pipe. The source I found for the shape lists dates of 1928,50,60 and 69 on the prince and 1950,60 and 69 for the Liverpool.
I did the rustication on the Calabash because of a defect in the bowl that even caused a pit on the inside of the bowl, I repaired the pipe with fireplace mortise. My first Calabash is smooth and I stained it a light tan.



Dec 28, 2011
Topeka, KS
Well done, Pete.
But don't be surprised if that Sasieni second proves to be every bit as fine a smoker as your two Dunhills. I've got a handful of Sasienis + seconds and they all rate right up there against my DH.
And small wonder:
From Murder of Ravens: http://murderofravens.org/my-sasieni-pipe-article/
"Joel Sasieni apprenticed at Charatan, and moved on to Dunhill, where he eventually rose the position of factory manager. Many men would have been perfectly satisfied with such a position, but not Mr. Sasieni. He opened up his own factory in 1919, believing he could improve on some of Dunhill’s methods. Mr. Sasieni was, if nothing else, an optimist."
Your Hardcastle won't be a slouch in the smoking department either.
Nice job on that Calabash, friend.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 6, 2013
I bet you're gonna love that prince once it's cleaned up. I'm jealous.



May 17, 2011
Northern New Jersey
Congrats on a nice set of pipes, trailspike. Sure to be fine smokers. Might I ask, what source did you use to get the year dates on the Dunhill shapes? Thanks.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 15, 2013
Kashmir, here is a link to the page I used to get the general date. The second link is a common one that narrowed it down to the year. After examining the pipes I found the date key, listed after Made in England. The Prince has a 2 so I think it is 1962, and the Liverpool has a 6 so following the second link it should be a 1966.
After rereading my original post I find I write English like Archie Bunker spoke. It should have been fireplace mortar not mortise. It is a little embarresing, unfortunately I'll probably do something similar in a future post. :lol:
I've smoked the Inverted Calabash today and it smokes very well. I always seem to require at least one relight, nearly always after dumping the ash about half way through a smoke. I still required this relight with this pipe, but then it was off to the bottom of the bowl.



May 17, 2011
Northern New Jersey
LOL! I'm the one who wrote that! For my good friend Steve, for his blog on Reborn Pipes. Eric Boehm is aka Kashmir. Glad to see someone is making good use of it!



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 15, 2013
Thanks Kashmir/Eric, your advice and comments have helped me before, so it's no suprise you have helped me again. I started smoking a pipe and joined this forum in Dec. 2012 and I owe so many members and Kevin a big Thank You.



Nov 12, 2012
That reverse Calabash is pretty awesome. Personally I like the looks of of it better than the Dunhills. Though I have never owned either a dunhill or a reverse calabash to remark on the smokeability of either.



Jul 27, 2012
Conrgats all way 'round. Great price on those Dunhills, et al.
And impressive reverse calabash too - nice work!

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