I just picked up a pair of Dunhills. The first is a shape 314, slightly bent prince. The second one is a 33 F/T, I thought it was a Canadian shape, but it is identified as a Liverpool with a fishtail stem. The Prince has slight tooth chatter and the Liverpool has almost no tooth chatter. Both stems are VERY oxidized and are nearly yellow. I also picked up a Hardcastle Royal Windsor and a Sasieni Royal Stuart in the same sale. And under $175 including shipping for all four. The Dunhills will be sent to a forum member on Monday for cleaning, Ed is much more experienced than myself and I don't want to make a boo boo on these. I'll post finished pictures when they return.
The Prince has a Verdun Tenon, and both appear to have spider web in the bowl. :laughat: They haven't been cleaned in quite a while.
I also included a couple of pictures on an inverted Calabash that I'm finishing up from a bowl and stem I purchased. The bands are a small slice of Walnut and a piece of Black Marble lucite. It has a large chamber so I'm hoping for a cool smoke, I already finished a shorter version and it is a great smoker, even better than some of my medium quality pipes, Ser Jacopo, Radice, etc. And it only cost about $20 to put together, plus time.
The Prince has a Verdun Tenon, and both appear to have spider web in the bowl. :laughat: They haven't been cleaned in quite a while.
I also included a couple of pictures on an inverted Calabash that I'm finishing up from a bowl and stem I purchased. The bands are a small slice of Walnut and a piece of Black Marble lucite. It has a large chamber so I'm hoping for a cool smoke, I already finished a shorter version and it is a great smoker, even better than some of my medium quality pipes, Ser Jacopo, Radice, etc. And it only cost about $20 to put together, plus time.