The environment does have an affect on flavor, as we see has happened as the tobacco plant was spread across the globe. Different places has evolved different varietals. But, the way it is cured can also have a huge impact on how it tastes. And, since the same plant can be cured in different ways to produce different flavors from the same plant, it has the most impact, IMO.
As to whether Cuba cures the same way Nicaragua does, is a very genera and broad questionl. What about two different Nicaraguan farmers? Two different barns, with different humidities, or even one using a high tech kiln to color cure? I am probably least informed on cigar leaf than any of the other leaf, especially on a national level of cigar making. But, it does stand to reason that if cigars are 100% natural, that there would be differences in flavors from year to year, region to region, even farmer to farmer. But, I am certain that the cigar leaf buyers would “grade” based on the flavors they needed. Such as McClelland looked for the one specific flavor in a Red Virginia. While there were lots of Reds to choose from, none were fitting their exact needs.
When we talk about quality, this is what we mean. A quality is a specific flavor that the buyer wants, not necessarily “better” leaf, not if it doesn’t have the “qualitie”s they are looking for is it a “bad” tasting leaf. It means that it just doesn’t have the exact taste the buyer is looking for.
If I am shopping for a vehicle with the quality of being quiet, yet strong enough to pull a trailer, a Porsche does not meet my needs. It is powerful, but not in the way you need to be able to pull a trailer. Does that make it a worse vehicle than a Chevy Pickup truck?
As for Turkish... does the sun beat down harder in some places? I fail to see how this could happen, but it does “feel” harder on our skin because of humidity, altitude, and our sweat glands, etc... I have grown it one year, and I didn’t notice it being waxy. Jitterbug has grown more of this plant than me, and suggests using really poor soil with less nutrients and less water.