Pipe Night With Cosmo Kramer

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Jul 27, 2012

Seinfeld's Kramer
Seinfeld was/is one of my favorites, and the episode where Kramer discovers the joys of smoking (cigars and pipes) is hilarious. Another one of Kramer's pipe scenes:




Feb 28, 2014
...Until he lost his marbles and let the "n" word out while being heckled doing standup, lol.



Jul 27, 2012
...Until he lost his marbles and let the "n" word out while being heckled doing standup, lol.
Yeah - that was bad. I watched his interview with Jerry on "Comedians Getting Coffee."
I actually felt sorry for him after watching it. He's obviously distraught over those comments and seems to have a lot of remorse.



Feb 28, 2014
I hear ya, six. I cannot feel an ounce of pity for him though, as there really is never an excuse to use that word, especially in public and directed at an African American! Plus, how long has he been doing comedy? Come on, that's part of the job and comes with the territory, he DEFINITELY should have had a lot more self control than that. Even if you do think that way, keep it to yourself, especially if you are a PUBLIC FIGURE/CELEBRITY.



Feb 28, 2014
BTW, the South Park episode where they parodied that situation was F'in hilarious, if anyone is a fan of the show and has seen it. I do agree with you though six, he did seem genuinely remorseful, but it still is no excuse and doesn't change the fact that he let it happen in the first place.



Jul 27, 2012
I do agree with you though six, he did seem genuinely remorseful, but it still is no excuse and doesn't change the fact that he let it happen in the first place.
Yeah - there's no excuse. I cannot imagine ever losing it so badly to resort to those kind of hateful, ignorant remarks. But whenever possible I try hard not to judge another person too harshly. I don't know his life experience and what may have brought him to that.
But either way, I can still laugh at his antics on Seinfeld. :puffy:



Jul 29, 2013
@layinpipe South Park is one of the few shows around anymore that gets better every year. The writing is always spot on and their social commentary is very much in line with my way of thinking.



Oct 10, 2013
We all make mistakes, but few of us are under the constant and eternal eye of the camera. If we were to play back anyone's life, there would be moments that we would deeply regret. When a heartfelt apology is given, it should be carefully considered.
To forgive and forget, it's difficult, but essential.



Feb 28, 2014
Six I can agree with you to an extent there, but with that particular word and in that particular situation, where he said it directly to the person of the race it would offend the most, i don't think there will ever be a forget. A forgive maybe, but never a forget. He might as well have punched a baby, because it is something that people, especially African Americans, won't ever forget, in my opinion of course. I do also agree that Kramer is great and funny as hell. Sorry to derail your thread, Sir!
@layinpipe South Park is one of the few shows around anymore that gets better every year. The writing is always spot on and their social commentary is very much in line with my way of thinking.
cmdrmcbragg couldn't agree with you more, we would get along just fine, lol. The realistic and non-fictional undertones that refect current events in society with their brand of comedy make it a show that i will ALWAYS watch and be a big fan of. I love edgy and racey comedy and believe that comedy makes life easier to cope with. If you can't just stop and laugh every once in a while, whether at yourself, a current trend or event or a serious occurrence in the world, if only to put things in perspective, then i feel bad for you. I really hate political correctness and South Park represents the exact opposite of that.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 28, 2013
Loved that show. I still watch it just about every night, but now it's with my kids.



Jul 27, 2012
A forgive maybe, but never a forget. He might as well have punched a baby, because it is something that people, especially African Americans, won't ever forget, in my opinion of course. I do also agree that Kramer is great and funny as hell. Sorry to derail your thread, Sir!
No worries - all posts naturally create conversations. I agree, not always easy to forgive, let alone forget.



Oct 10, 2013
Sorry to take this even further off the rails, but here goes...
He might as well have punched a baby
Get real.

Verbal abuse to an adult and physical abuse to a child. You really want to conflate them? An adult has the capacity to defend themselves and they should damn well use it. A child is defenseless.
I've had a lot of epitaphs tossed my way over the years. I belong to a group of people that have been the subject of derision, insult, segregation, discrimination and extermination for thousands of years. As a kid, a day didn't go by without some kind of acid-tinged remark being tossed my way. Far worse that what Kramer did. Many times, I said nothing. I wasn't going to change that person's thinking. Sometimes, I beat the living crap out of the person who said it. All that did was make me feel better, it didn't change any minds.
As an adult, I still hear it, or have to stand in someone's presence as they spout hatred. But you know what? I'm glad that they open their mouths. It tells me about who they are as a person, and it informs me about how like-minded people think and feel. I've learned that when someone spews vitriol, they are not saying anything about me. They are talking about themselves. And if that's what they want to say, then have at it. It's freedom of speech, and it's what keeps me informed about the world around me.
There is far too much righteous indignation and knee-jerk outrage these days over some of the most pedestrian of offenses, all in the name of politically-correct me-tooism. Well, while that bandwagon rolls down the hill out of control, there are real situations in this world that few seem to give a flying fuck about. The abject failure of public education in our cities. The record numbers of minorities out of work and in prison. The record numbers of Americans in poverty. The slaughter of innocents in Syria. North Korea. It's happening now.
The genocides of






All passed with barely a murmur.
So, while you are getting your panties in a knot over a bad name that someone that you don't even know said to some faceless jerk in California, people are being slaughtered in droves, simply because of who they are or what they said. Free speech usually isn't pretty, but it's what sets us apart from much of the rest of the world.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 22, 2013
Bravo Woodsroad, bravo!
This week, with all the really important events happening around the world, a high percentage of the News Media is fixated on stupid. That being NBA Sterling and his hooker lady friend.
If this is what the American mentality has sunk to, we really are in trouble.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
You are correct Woods, but the catch is that the First Amendment pertains to the construct of laws, not public behavior. The public also has the right to speech in reaction to the speech of others. This isn't new, Washington and Adams had to hash this out as well, when the media was raking them through the coals. American stupidity with the media isn't new, lol. You could say we were founded on fairly big heap of stupidity. Just ask one of the slaves that lived here at the beginning of this land of the free.
Regardless, it's hard for me to feel sorry for a millionaire that gets caught shooting his mouth off. And, there just isn't anywhere else I'd rather live. Stupidity seems to be spread out evenly worldwide.
As a side note, I had no idea that the Kramer thing ever even happened until I read this thread, lol. My news sources must have not had this on their radar that day. I still like that Seinfeld show. Heck, after being severely disappointed when I've had the opportunity to meet some of the famous icons that I used to look up to, I'm not shocked by much. Some will forever be bent by things, but most of us have a fairly short memory span. Oh look a bunny!!!



Feb 28, 2014
Verbal abuse to an adult and physical abuse to a child. You really want to conflate them? An adult has the capacity to defend themselves and they should damn well use it. A child is defenseless.
Wow, it was a sarcastic and extreme analogy said in jest, shouldn't take a genius to figure that out. You're the one hanging from the door by your giant wedgie of self-righteousness. You literally just made my day by thinking i was serious about punching a baby.
I'm not even going to respond to most of your rant as you took what i wrote so far out of context that it is not worthy of a response. And as for political correctness, go back and read a little further down about my opinions on that. I was just stating my opinion about the public never forgetting about his outburst, especially the group of people who are very offended by that word.
Jesus, how did this go from Kramer saying the "n" word to a listing of current countries dealing with genocide. Makes punching a baby not seem so bad, huh woodsroad?
Now please get off your soapbox and don't try to preach to me, especially when taking what i wrote so damn far out of context.



Oct 10, 2013
"but the catch is that the First Amendment pertains to the construct of laws, not public behavior."

"Congress shall make no law...."
Laws govern behavior, and thus if there isn't a law prohibiting something, then we are free to engage. There is nothing else, barring morality, to stop a given behavior other than law. The amendment actually protects us from our own government, as does much of the Constitution.

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