Nathaniel - Is the Xikar Pipeline a torch? Went to their website and it sure sounds like it. I used a torch lighter for a while, but quit as it was turning my pipes into charcoal.
I seem to be of the old, old school persuasion and light my pipe using a simple, ordinary kitchen match. For those bottom of the bowl relights, I rely on a trusty bic lighter. Inexpensive, simple, and effective. trouble with fuel issues I'm an Old Boy-Main/Zippo mix...Zippo's Prem-Fuel now is very good no transfer to smoke..perhaps their paste formula had it (when I smoked cigars with it I could detect)
bootleg them lighters look quite nice as it is i have 1 similar to them i also have an imco g77r made in austria for some reason that lasts longer than my sky.
i actually started carrying around the little boxes of matches. it's $.75 for 320 matches, and i find it easier and tastier to light with them. so now i carry a bic, a zippo and matches... im a pyro
I tried a good many different pipe lighters before breaking down and buying an Old Boy. It was well worth the cost, and I wouldn't use anything else. Well, except for my Zippo when it's too windy for the Old Boy.
I saw that someone mentioned the Fujima Arrow one for $15 on ebay. Refillable butane and so far it has worked flawlessly...using it for about 2 weeks now....
The new zippo fluid is great with no taste. Although the old fuel had a taste, you could bypass this by lighting and letting it burn a few seconds before lighting your pipe.
I actually switched and started using campstove/lantern fuel which I didn't find to have a taste and a gallon lasts a long time. (I don't camp as much as I used too)
I actually had a nice Old Boy with the rusticated briar and brass finish. It now resides in where-a-bouts unknown NC. I also have a Pipe Maggie I use a lot and it's also made by the same company as the Old Boy.
I also have a couple Zippo lighters but haven't found them yet after the move, among a lot of my other pipe stuff. And bics lay lots of places around here for back up lighters. I find a lot of them in the river from upside down canoers and after drying out, they work like new.
The Zippo "smell" reminds me of my Dad. He used pretty much exclusively Zippo lighters to light his cigs. That first little whif of naptha is a scent I associate with him.
I have two Zippo pipe lighters,hard to beat. Also have four Imco G-77's thanks to friend in Tennessee.Not available locally,he picked them up at a B&M. Find them to be very dependable so far. Refill about once a week. The neatest lighter I have is a Beatie Jet that I picked up in a North Carolina flea market a couple of weeks ago.Uses Zippo fuel and flints. When the lighter is tilted so that the flame will heat that little tube a flame shoots out of the tube for pipe lighting.Check out the date on it.It was still in it's original box.
I usually just use a Vector pipe lighter that I got at a local tobacconist. If it runs out on me I just use matches until my lazy butt refills the lighter.