It takes practice to get things right - packing, lighting, tamping, cleaning. Having said that, I've learnt more in the past 2-3 years about pipes, tobaccos and pipe smoking since I discovered this site and TobaccoReviews, than my entire 1st fifteen years smoking a pipe.
And I'm enjoying my pipes and tobacco a whole heap more.
Just beware of PAD and TAD
Same here. Before I found pipe forums and tobaccoreviews I had little clue - smoked the one pipe day in day out for several years [yeah I know, lol] with just two blends.
One of my pet peeves is when someone asks if they could puff on my pipe.
A couple of years back I was in hospital for a week.
Sitting outside with a group of smokers one said "I'd love to have a try of Choppers pipe" to which I responded "Since you're asking, would you like to also borrow my toothbrush?"
A pipe is not a bong for goodness sake.
I bought a dozen clay pipes since to gift to the curious.
At a few dollars each, when they go to hand it back I say "It's yours. Keep it."
Regarding comments on ghosting; I've not ever had a problem.
Maybe because I don't smoke goopy aromatics? Or because I don't build cake? Or the fact that I've around 40 pipes in rotation? Might be a combination of all three?
I smoke a variety of genres. If say I smoked a non-aro like PS Luxury Navy Flake and it had a hint of flavour from the previous bowl of Butternut Burley, rather than going off the deep end by getting out the salt and alcohol to exorcise the pipe, I'd enjoy it as a change of pace.
Each to their own and all that but some pipe smokers take the hobby way too seriously.
Pipe smoking is meant to be enjoyable and relaxing.
Pipes; I enjoy MM cobs as much as a good briar.
Meerschaum pipes are great but I chuckle at the image of a smoker donning a cotton glove before handling one.
It's a pipe for goodness sake, not a Holy relic from Crusader days.