If the pipes make you smile, you should go to youtube and search on them being made. 3 or 4 guys listening to jazz and making pipes full speed ahead!
My favorite bulk aromatic is from Park Lane Tobacconist called Trout Brook. By complex, I an assuming you want to broaden his horizons with something more like an English blend, I highly recommend Esoterica Pembroke or Margate, though the Pembroke is smoother. They are the same rich blend but the Pembroke has a cognac topping.
My favorite bulk aromatic is from Park Lane Tobacconist called Trout Brook. By complex, I an assuming you want to broaden his horizons with something more like an English blend, I highly recommend Esoterica Pembroke or Margate, though the Pembroke is smoother. They are the same rich blend but the Pembroke has a cognac topping.