Just bought my first pack of pipe filters ever, for one of my cobs (the other is unfiltered). I've always
shared the U.S. pipe smokers predisposition against filters of any kind, though I've encountered them --
Savinelli balsa filters, Medico, Dr. Grabow, plus those little medal spoons and other "stingers" that are
supposed to cut moisture in the stem or shank. Now I find, along with my rack(s) of unfiltered pipes,
a filtered pipe has its place, for tabacco that has gotten a little dry or harsh, or when I want to smoke
a strong blend but don't want quite the full dose. The best smoke is still sans filter, but a filter seems
to have a place. This also opens the door to a few American made machine pipes, something my rack
is notably missing. I've been informed you can smoke a Dr. Grabow or Yellow Bole without a filter, but
this also gives the filter a place. Filters ... terrible, or tolerable? I'm relenting, a little.
shared the U.S. pipe smokers predisposition against filters of any kind, though I've encountered them --
Savinelli balsa filters, Medico, Dr. Grabow, plus those little medal spoons and other "stingers" that are
supposed to cut moisture in the stem or shank. Now I find, along with my rack(s) of unfiltered pipes,
a filtered pipe has its place, for tabacco that has gotten a little dry or harsh, or when I want to smoke
a strong blend but don't want quite the full dose. The best smoke is still sans filter, but a filter seems
to have a place. This also opens the door to a few American made machine pipes, something my rack
is notably missing. I've been informed you can smoke a Dr. Grabow or Yellow Bole without a filter, but
this also gives the filter a place. Filters ... terrible, or tolerable? I'm relenting, a little.