Pipe Cleaners

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Dec 6, 2012
Robinson, TX.
I guess pipe cleaner preference is similar to pipe and tobacco preference.
I don't like the thick ones because after smoking when I clean out my pipe, the lint adheres to the moisture, and the next time I pick up that pipe to smoke, if I don't blow out the then dried up lint, guess what I suck in? Yuck!
Like most of the other responders regarding bristled cleaners, they are great for a deeper cleaning and I use them with EverClear when really wanting to clean up a pipe's internals. And no, a bristled cleaner is not going to damage the stem, shank or bowl.
I prefer a thinner pipe cleaner that does not shed. BJ Long's are my go to pipe cleaners. :wink:



Sep 14, 2011
BJ Long for me as well. I like the thin ones to run through the pipe when I'm smoking, if need be, and the tapered for cleaning.

May 31, 2012
I'm a stickler for good pipe cleaners,

the best I've found are made by Brigham,


They are great.
I also keep a couple of coils of BJ Long for emergency use though,

very thrifty too, just cut as needed!

Gloredo used to be what was most certainly the Rolls Royce of pipe cleaners,

but they discontinued production,

these were the best pipe cleaners that I ever had the pleasure of using!




Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 5, 2015
I bought Neerup cleaning brushes and so far they have been awesome. I keep the fluffy pipe cleaners around but if needed the brushes will replace the bristle pipe cleaners for me.



Dec 5, 2012
Bronx, NY
For the past year now, after I smoke a pipe I use everclear and bristle pipe tapered cleaner to clean. This small momentary chore saves me the sit down for several hours going over 60 or so pipes every couple of months.
I just purchased a special from smoking pipes introducing their new fluffy pipe cleaner by MacBaren; it was about 1.00 for 50 cleaners and I bought 10 packs. Unfortunately i didn't notice that they are not tapered and really are as thick as a'falcon' cleaner.



Can't Leave
I would recommend the non-bagged packs of Longs, in any thickness or the bristle that suits your needs. Reason being... I have found that over the years, in particularly, the "zip lock bagged versions, the strength of the wire has deteriorated. I find them flimsy, with the tendency to bend easily. I have not experienced this with the "open" packs of Longs, the ones in the colored tubes.
I am not sure why there is this discrepancy in seemingly the same company's product. Maybe it's the cost and count of each pack - I never really compared the price of the bagged BJ Longs vs. the non-bagged Longs - and why the name difference, different quality lines??? Perhaps someone can shed some light on it.



Nov 18, 2013
I use the cheapest ones I can find. Just not the ones at the hobby store (even though some people insist on refering to the habit of pipe smoking as a hobby)because those are synthetic and won't absorb. I only use the bristly ones for occasional cleaning, because they tend to be harder to get down the bent stems, even all my Ser Jacs which pass a regular cleaner easily.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 19, 2015
Shearstown, NL
Last night I thought of another use for the bristle ones, when I actually had to do it.
When you get a bit of tobacco blocking the draught hole, many times it's next to impossible to clear it. I often have success inserting the cleaner as far as I can and twisting it several times. Normally you'll pull out the offending bit of baccy wrapped around the end of the cleaner.



Oct 25, 2013
New Zealand
Early on in the game I got a pack of each, I pretty quickly figured out how often/when I would use a bristle, taper, fluffy or regular cleaner. I mostly buy regular, easier to shove down the stem while smoke is still going if I got some moisture, but i use a fluffy usually for a good clean after smoke, and bristle only for a deep clean.



Jul 2, 2010
BJ Longs and bristles for me. I've used them both for years. No problems. But, with thicker cleaners, I pull the cleaner through thumb and forefinger first to remove any loose fuzz.

Oct 15, 2013
In addition to pipe cleaners, does anyone insert the little metal screens to put in the bottom of the pipe bowl? I was recently on Amazon to purchase some pipe cleaners and these little mesh screens came up as an additional item. The comments indicated that they help keep the small airway clear of gummy residue and stray bit of tobacco that can clog. They apparently come in several materials like copper, steel and stainless steel. I would be afraid to use plain steel for fear of rust. Copper might add a metallic aftertaste. I would think that, if anything, stainless steel would be the best choice. Any suggestions will be most helpful. Oh, by the way, I only smoke meerschaum pipes. Would that make any difference?



Apr 1, 2014
Colorado Rockies, Cripple Creek region
Crappers, ya sposed' to clean your pipes? I just blow through em' and puttem' in the sun for an hour or so..jest like my daddy did.
Seriously, I use whatever I can get. If need be, I fold them over to get in there nice and tight. Everclear is my choice of cleaner.
I do have a rough time getting those fatties and tapered ones through a P-lip. Hate the p-lip. They should be banned.
I too prefer a good BJ.
Pipecleaner that is



Feb 2, 2016
I think those little screens are probably used for smoking something other than tobacco.
As far as cleaners go, I buy whatever brand of tapered pipe cleaner available.

When I need more pipe cleaners, I just add them to my online tobacco order or buy some when at my local b&m. Whichever comes first.

Brand not important TO ME.

So long as they are meant for cleaning tobacco pipes and are tapered, I'm happy.

I don't use the bristled cleaners only because I've never felt the need to. So can't comment on them.



Nov 18, 2013
In addition to pipe cleaners, does anyone insert the little metal screens to put in the bottom of the pipe bowl?
I was actually going to get a couple for my Falcons, because of the way they're made, with a large draught hole smack in the bottom of the bowl, they sometimes clog. That was until I read that a screen in a pipe apparently is suffcient grounds for "probable cause" for the cops to rip your car apart searching for drugs. Seems less hassle to just unscrew the Falcon bowl and give it a wipe :D



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
You can get those little screens at regular pipe shops. I keep a small pack of them. I sometimes like to grind up my flakes and the screens stop me from sucking tobacco down my neck. And, how would you guys know what is used for what in head shops? Just because a head shop sells something doesn't mean that it cannot be useful to real pipe smokers. I would just advise to avoid head shops in general though, same reason I don't ever go in liquor stores.



Might Stick Around
Nov 23, 2015
I've only seen pipe screens in pipes not intended for tobacco use. I had considered trying one but not sure it would improve anything unless I plan on smoking past the heel. Pipe stones sound good though.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 3, 2012
Misterlowercase, I used to like the Gloredo pipe cleaners as well. The best ones I've found since are the Vauen white pipecleaners. They might even be better than the Gloredos. They're thick and fluffy, good stiffness, not sharp on the ends, and they're slightly tapered but thick throughout. I'd definitely recommend you give them a try, but I don't know if any of the US retailers carry them.



Can't Leave
Apr 14, 2012
Mix of BJ Long and Gloredo pipe cleaners here. Glad I stocked up on the Gloredos before they discontinued production.

May 31, 2012
Misterlowercase, I used to like the Gloredo pipe cleaners as well. The best ones I've found since are the Vauen white pipecleaners. They might even be better than the Gloredos. They're thick and fluffy, good stiffness, not sharp on the ends, and they're slightly tapered but thick throughout. I'd definitely recommend you give them a try, but I don't know if any of the US retailers carry them.
Thanks for that info Moriarty,

I'm soon going to be placing an order with a German vendor, but their pfeifenreiniger selection is pretty thin,

although they do carry the Vauen mit bürste bristled white 'n blues...

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