I don't like them on fishtails (I got a strong gag reflex that they trigger). But they work great on Peterson P-lips so I can clench them, where the stems are so small, the pipe softies don't aggrevate me.
I have them on most of my pipes...sometimes they dont fit right on some bigger, smaller, thinner stems...Be careful of the clear/white ones from ebay...I ordered some of them and they were bigger than the black ones and they DO NOT work!
You can get them at just about any pipe store or on line.
I use them on some pipes.....the ones I tend to clinch and or walk around with in my mouth.
They are rubbery so do fit any stem. The ones I have have a rim on them. I trim it off because I have found them a lot more comfortable without it. I would recommend buying 3 or so they are pretty cheap. Try with and without rim see what you like best.
It depends what you mean by "work" Do they help to stop teethmarks in stems? Yes. Are they more comfortable? That depends on the smoker. I don't like the added thickness and I find the give that they have causes me to clench harder, making my jaw uncomfortable.
I don't like them. I threw the ones I ordered (about 3 years ago) in a drawer. If anybody wants them PM me. I'll send them to you for free. I think I have about 4. I will have to go look.
I'm not a fan. They also make me gag and just feel too bulky. I love the feel of a slender comfy fishtail bit. the heat shrink ones might be a good idea...I didn't even know they made those.
I'm personally not a fan of them. Makes the stem feel thicker and not natural i.e. the way the pipe maker intended the pipe to feel in the mouth. Again, just a preference and +2 to teeth marks adding a personal character to the pipe. G1
I've been back and forth on tying them. I'm a clencher so the thought of something to make the stem more comfortable sounds appealing. However, the thought of biting on rubber doesn't. I'll eventually give them a try. Might be a good fit for some of my heavier pipes.